Two master internship proposals to explore social and technical aspects of the creation of the OCaml and Coq platforms

We are looking for candidates for the following two internships intended to prefigure the creation of the OCaml and Coq platforms:

Please feel free to forward this announcement.
Interested students should send their resume and cover letter at and

Yann Régis-Gianas (Inria, IRIF, OCaml Foundation) and Théo Zimmermann (Inria, IRIF, Coq development team)


We’ve also been discussing how to collaborate over these topics with @Zim_i48 and Yann Régis-Gianas over at OCaml Labs in Cambridge, as we help maintain a number of the tools involved.

So if you are an student interested in learning more about these areas of packaging and software distribution, I’m excited that these topics are available in Inria and encourage you to apply :slight_smile:

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