Outreachy December 2024 Round

Hello :wave:,

With the conclusion of the previous Outreachy round (see Outreachy Demo Presentation), the next round is fast approaching and the OCaml community has signed up again to participate!

The Next Round

The deadline for mentors to submit a project is 2024-09-10T23:00:00Z. If people are interested in mentoring and they maintain an open-source project, then they can reach out directly to me and I can help scope a project, explain the contribution period and provide as much other help as we can! Co-mentoring is also an option for people who are interested in mentoring but do not have a specific project – do reply to this thread if that’s you!

When signing up mentors propose an open-source project where prospective interns submit PRs during the “contribution phases” as part of their application. Mentors will then choose an intern to work with for 3 months. A more detailed explanation is available on the Outreachy mentor section .

I’m particularly interested in projects from some of the larger OCaml projects (e.g. dune, opam, ppxlib, miou, eio, cohttp, melange etc.). I’m very happy to help with co-mentoring on any of these projects. If you are interested and are a maintainer of a larger project, please do reach out. Of course, smaller projects are still very much possible.


Funding for this upcoming Outreachy round is not yet finalised. We hope to have funding for three interns, I will reply to this thread once things are confirmed which should be soon. If any company is interested in supporting the OCaml community Outreachy initative please do reach out to me.

I’d also like to take this moment to raise some awareness for the current struggles Outreachy is facing. The OCaml community has benefited massively from Outreachy. Both by participating directly as a community (see OCaml Outreachy Internships for some past projects) and via the participation of other communities. I’m very grateful for everyone who has taken part in some way, including non-mentors engaging with the interns.

As always if you have any general questions or mentoring ideas do comment on this thread or reach out directly.
