# [ANN] OCaml+Opam Images for Docker for Windows

For those curious about the history of this work, @Rucikir began this journey back in 2020 with an internship with @Zimm_i48 and @yurug. That internship helped us discover all the intricacies of what was required for Windows support, and then @Rucikir joined Tarides and has subsequently been hacking away with @dra27 and @talex5 at OCaml Labs (with advice on @djs55 at Docker) during these pandemic months and introducing Windows support into the core OCaml CI stack. This includes a number of fixes to the OCaml compiler itself!

I can’t think of a better showcase for the value of open source development – this has been a wonderful collaborative effort across multiple organisations and countries, and congratulations to @Rucikir on persevering through all the software layers and details to shipping this in the production infrastructure for ocaml.org. And of course, huge thanks to @fdopen for his mingw-opam-repository and @dra27 and @nojb and the core OCaml team for such excellent ongoing support from the compiler itself.

As a community, these regularly built Windows images will form the basis for full opam/OCaml support of Windows. The work being deployed here makes it possible to not only support Windows on a snapshot of our ecosystem, but also to keep Windows support working on an ongoing basis!