OUPS meetup december 2023

The next OUPS meetup will take place on Thursday, 14th of December 2023. It will start at 7pm at the 4 place Jussieu in Paris.

:warning: :trumpet: It will be in the in the Esclangon building (amphi TBA). :trumpet: :warning:

Please, register on meetup as soon as possible to let us know how many pizza we should order.

For more details, you may check the OUPS’ website .

This month will feature the following talks :

Miou, un simple scheduler pour OCaml 5 – Romain Calascibetta (@dinosaure)

Miou est un scheduler pour OCaml 5 utilisant les effets nouvellement introduit. Il se concentre sur la disponibilité d’une application au travers d’une politique de gestion des tâches bien décrite. Cette présentation introduira les effets avec OCaml 5 ainsi qu’une rétrospective de son API. Il s’agira ensuite de présenter les spécifités de Miou par rapport aux autres schedulers. Enfin, il y aura la présentation d’un client/serveur HTTP développé selon le design de Miou. La présentation permettra de faire un état des lieux du scheduling en OCaml, des raisons de la multiplicité des solutions ainsi que des objectifs concrets de Miou (implémentation de services, disponibilités des applications, unikernels).

Towards a solution to the expression problem for compilers: strongly typed nano-passes – Boris Yakobowski

We present a new solution to the problem of (strongly) typing compiler passes when the source and destination language share multiple constructors. We are interested in approaches that limit the amount of boilerplate that needs to be (re)written for each language, while still maintaining a very strict typing discipline. Our solution uses well-known tools, but combine them in a novel way:

  • the idea of nanopasses, in which each pass encodes a very limited transformation
  • the use of ppx syntax extensions to express only the differences between a language and the next
  • the traversal of the AST using top-down and bottom-up recursion schemes
  • OCaml polymorphic variants, which are instrumental to precisely type our (non-recursive) transformation functions.

We present our implementation of this approach in the context of the Ada frontend for the Infer analyzer, which as of today contains 28 passes. We will also discuss the various pitfalls we have encountered along the way, as well as possible improvements (in particular deforesting the combination of multiple passes).


Reminder: it’s this week! Please register if you plan to attend. :slight_smile:

It will be in the Astier Amphitheatre. The name of the building is Esclangon, directly on the right when you get inside the compound through the main entrance.

Was there a paper/article/link for the nanopass talk?

Recordings and slides will be posted on the OUPS’ website at some point.

There’s no paper for OUPS talks as this is quite an informal meetup.