OUPS meetup december 2022

The next OUPS meetup will take place on Thursday, 8th of December 2022. It will start at 7pm at the 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris.

:warning: :trumpet: It won’t be in the usual room but in the Astier amphitheater in the Esclangon building. :trumpet: :warning:

Please, register on meetup as soon as possible to let us know how many pizza we should order.

As usual, presentations will be streamed on the OUPS’ galène.

For more details, you may check the OUPS’ website.

This month will feature the following talks :

Camlboot: debootstrapping the OCaml compiler - Nathanaëlle Courant

In this talk, I will present Camlboot, a project which debootstraps the OCaml compiler, that is, is able to compile the OCaml compiler without using the bootstrap binary. Camlboot consists in a naïve compiler for a subset of OCaml called MiniML, and an interpreter for OCaml written in MiniML. I will first justify the interest of debootstrapping, then explain the architecture and parts of Camlboot, and finally present the experimental validation of Camlboot.

The Camel’s Voice - Enguerrand Decorne

This presentation will be an informal and simplistic introduction to music programming via a computer. There are many “live coding” languages (SonicPi, TidalCycles), but it is also quite possible to experiment with having fun with our favorite language! I will present various projects on which I have experimented, with accompanying sound demonstrations. Disclaimer: This presentation contains compliments to the MIDI protocol.

YOcaml - Xavier Van de Woestyne

YOCaml is a static blog generator that was developed to test the Preface library. It is relatively impragmatic, partially poorly documented, and has no effective caching strategy. However, its genesis is fun (and tries to use tools not very present in the world of OCaml) and some external contributions have made it quite explicitly coupling with MirageOS. In this presentation, I invite you to discover its general operation, some design choices and a brief tutorial on how to use it.

After the presentations, there will be some pizzas offered by the OCaml Software Foundation ! :pizza:


Your TLS cert just expired here FYI

Indeed, thanks ! I’m going to try to find who can update it…

Reminder : it’s tomorrow, don’t forget to subscribe. :slight_smile: