I wanted to try the Ocsigen toolkit widgets so I generated a little test with :
eliom-distillery -name test -template basic.ppx -target-directory test
Then I added this ocsigen-toolkit.client
in the Makefile.options at the line :
CLIENT_PACKAGES := lwt.ppx js_of_ocaml.ppx js_of_ocaml.deriving.ppx ocsigen-toolkit.client
And here is my test.eliom file :
open Eliom_lib
open Eliom_content
open Html.D
open Lwt
module Test_app =
Eliom_registration.App (
let application_name = "test"
let global_data_path = None
let cal = Ot_calendar.make ()
let page () =
(head (title (pcdata "Test")) [])
(body [h1 [pcdata "Test"];
cal ])
let main_service =
~path:(Eliom_service.Path [])
~meth:(Eliom_service.Get Eliom_parameter.unit)
(fun () () ->
Lwt.return (page ())
And of course, it don’t work. I have the following message : Error: Unbound module Ot_calendar