Eliom 11 and Ocsigen Start 7 have been released a few weeks ago.
These versions follow the recent release of Ocsigen Server 6 and leverage its new configuration API to make it easier to use it as a library, without a configuration file.
Here is an example of a simple OCaml app generating a Web page from server side (and serving static pages from directory "local/var/www/mysite"):
let f _ () =
Eliom_content.Html.F.(html (head (title (txt "")) [])
(body [h1 [txt "Hello"]]))
let myservice =
~path:(Eliom_service.Path [])
~meth:(Eliom_service.Get Eliom_parameter.any)
let () = Eliom_registration.Html.register ~service:myservice f
let () = Ocsigen_server.start
[ Ocsigen_server.host
[ Staticmod.run ~dir:"local/var/www/mysite" ()
; Eliom.run () ] ]
To use it, just install Eliom and your favorite version of Ocipersist, then create a new Dune project:
Ocsigen Start’s application template has been updated to support both the use as an executable or as a library (lynked dynamically from the server’s config file).
let rec fetch_url url =
(fun () ->
Client.get (Uri.of_string url) >>= fun (resp, body) ->
let status = resp |> Response.status |> Code.code_of_status in
Lwt_io.printf "Status: %d\n" status >>= fun () ->
body |> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string >>= fun body_string ->
Lwt_io.printf "Body:\n%s\n" body_string)
(fun exn ->
let* () =
Lwt_io.printf "Caught exception: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string exn)
let* () = Lwt_unix.sleep 3. in
fetch_url url)
If I run it in a loop as above, I cannot connect from a Web browser. If I run it only once, I can. So the issue is how to combine the server with other Lwt computations. Eg, this also blocks the connections from a Web browser:
let () =
let rec loop str =
let* () = Lwt_io.printf str in
let* () = Lwt_unix.sleep 1. in
loop str
Lwt_main.run (loop "Lwt loop running...\n")
let%server _ =
~ports:[`All, 8080]