OCaml Hacking Day at Tarides Chennai

We’re running an OCaml Hacking event at the Tarides office in Chennai on the 21st of October.

We’re excited to hack on a diverse range of OCaml projects, including the compiler, concurrency libraries, and tooling, as well as benchmarking projects. Folks from Tarides will be around to assist with questions and support participants.

This is an in-person event in Chennai. For more details and registration, please visit https://forms.gle/9vNd4UyJejqJR5sMA. Looking forward to seeing some of you there!


Hi. The form said that there are only 20 slots.
How can we know if we made it?

We’ll send out an RSVP email early next week. We will also email those who we couldn’t accommodate for this event.

We’ll send out an RSVP email early next week. We will also email those
who we couldnât accommodate for this event.

Okay. Thanks.