[NEW PART] Pragmatic Category Theory: Part 2 published!

Hi everyone :wave:

I started writing a series on Pragmatic Category Theory for Beginners focusing on real-world use cases rather than theory. All code examples are in OCaml.

The first part was just finished:

It’s just the beginning, and I have plans to describe more and provide more examples in future parts. I also plan to make a video version as well.

I hope you’ll enjoy it!


Cool! I look forward to continuing :+1:

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That will be great! Looking forward to it. BTW, the title reminds me of Category Theory for Programmers by Bartosz Milewski.

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I really enjoyed the Category Theory series you YouTube by Bartosz Milewski. I can strongly suggest watching it!


Interesting read!, that something I use at daily (two or more input become one output e.g String.concat, as far I understand) but idk it had a name. Thank you for the article, hope you could continue to another part.

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I just published the second part of my series, so I updated the topic.

Let me know when notifications become too noisy :slight_smile: