I wrote a Brainfuck to Piet compiler

Link: https://github.com/theindigamer/b2piet

Feedback/questions/contributions welcome! :smile:

I’m also happy to answer any tangential questions (e.g. related to the OCaml learning experience) from fellow learners.

Being a beginner, I too have a lot of feedback and questions for the OCaml devs, not sure if this is the right place to post all that (the list has grown quite big over the past few months so I could write a full blog post if there’s interest…).


Hahahah, you win the day! :joy:

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Lol, this is why people think of us as European hipsters who think they are too cool for haskell.

But great work, it’s a hell of a lot more impressive than my beginner projects were.


Lol, this is why people think of us as European hipsters who think they are too cool for haskell.

B…b…but I am an Indian in the US :stuck_out_tongue:.

Also, I tried out Haskell for a bit but the laziness by default seemed to trip me up quite frequently as a beginner. I think OCaml has a gentler learning curve. I’ve started looking at Haskell now again…

it’s a hell of a lot more impressive than my beginner projects were.

Thanks :smile:! Well, this is technically not a “beginner project” (that dubious distinction has to go to an extremely barebones C++ clone of UFO Joe ~5 years back), but yeah first time writing something compiler-ish and first OCaml project.

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I was talking about first serious projects in ocaml.