Feedback from Ocamlers on my Java biases (on the evolution of programming languages)!

Hi Ocamlers!

I’m a little out of place here, I’m a person who uses Java and JavaScript :sweat_smile: very interested in learning other programming languages!

Learning the basics of Ocaml I was happily surprised by how good and knowledgeable the Ocaml community was about language design paradigms and programming cultures.

In my free time I wrote a philosophical post regarding “the evolution of programming languages”, but originally it was a rant about how I don’t understand OOP, in my post I talk about OOP and FP, considering FP the direct evolution of programming languages… I’m saying a lot of things here…
And nothing… if it happens, please read it, give me some feedback, especially if there are inaccuracies, criticisms or if you have conflicting opinions! I’m super happy to receive any kind of feedback from ocamlers! :smile:
