Available for Hire - Q1 2023

Here’s a thread to announce your availability as an OCaml developer looking for an OCaml job. :rocket:

Freelancers, contractors and job-seekers, do advertise your services and experience here.

Let’s start this off with quarterly threads. If we find it gets too spammy, we can always switch to a monthly format later. :smile:


Software engineer with experience in Backend development.

Github - Linkedin

Looking for: a position as Backend or Fullstack Engineer using OCaml or related tech. Happy to work on tooling or R&D subjects projects too.
My interest lies is turning gnarly problem domains into clean and maintainable code. I want to join a team effort where we can grow together and create great value.

I wish to work from home and will be located in Montreal soon. I don’t mind remote work, async or partial workday overlap.

Can join the project as employee or contractor, I am French and based in France as far as work contracts are concerned.

Professional experience: Essentially backend development in Python/Django. Some system design and integration on autonomous drones and blimps at Airbus.

Functional experience: I have taught Elm to high schoolers and used SML, Caml Lite in academic settings. Working on the capstone project of the Scala specialization on Coursera lately.

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