Dear camlers
There is no way to write a bigarray to a file (except in C or element by element) ? In my case, the file is a socket hence map_file is not an option.
Dear camlers
There is no way to write a bigarray to a file (except in C or element by element) ? In my case, the file is a socket hence map_file is not an option.
Indeed, this operation is not available in the standard library. If you are dealing with a “char” bigarray, there are third-party libraries that will do what you want, eg ocaml-bigstring
If you are dealing with a general bigarray, then you will need to work a bit harder by writing some C code yourself.
GitHub - inhabitedtype/bigstringaf: Bigstring intrinsics and fast blits based on memcpy/memmove is the maintained alternative to the ocaml-bigstring
. I use it in production and it works great, can recommend.
I second bigstringaf, it’s better than bigstring
Maybe npy
is the answer for float bigarrays.
You could still try marshaling the bigarray to file then send that file over the socket.
Mmapping a bigarray to file is several orders of magnitude faster than marshalling w/ Marshal, in my experience.
Here is a code snippet:
assert(n = BA1.dim g.arr);
let fd = Unix.(openfile fn [O_RDWR; O_CREAT; O_TRUNC] 0o600) in
(* create mmapped bigarray *)
let dst =
(Unix.map_file fd BA.Float32 BA.c_layout true [|n|]) in
(* copy existing bigarray to the (new) one mapped to file *)
BA1.blit g.arr dst;
Unix.close fd;