[solved] Unix file handling bindings

Hi, I’m trying to write a program that deals with sparse files, and works on 32-bit platforms, but I’m running into some issues with the Unix module from the standard library:

Unix.ftruncate and Unix.lseek take an int argument, but this only gives me a range of 0->2GB.
On Linux this is transparently handled with ftruncate() by dispatching to the ftruncate64 system call, and on BSD off_t is 64 bits, so this is just the standard lib being stupid; the platforms natively support files larger than 2GB.

Does anyone know of a library that exposes these libc functions with larger integers? (int64 will do even if it cuts the maximum length in half).

Aha, I just discovered Unix.LargeFile which as the correct bindings!

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… If someone knows of a library that supports mmaping files in read-only mode that would still be highly appreciated.

If one doesn’t exist, mmapping into a bigarray should work, though obviously this will require some C code.

Bigarray supports memory-mapping of files (which is why it depends on unix on previous versions of OCaml). Some overlays (like my bigstring) build on that.

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Windows supports memory mapping. Do we not support it on windows?

That’s very, very cool!

@c-cube Bigarray's map_file passes PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE to mmap() on Linux, which caues the mmap to fail when you ask for a MAP_SHARED on a file descriptor opened with O_RDONLY.

If you call with MAP_PRIVATE (shared = 0 in the map_file interface) it works, since private mappings of read-only files can be modified, but it has the caveat that it requires allocating the entire size of the file in your process memory. If the file is - say - 30TB - that usually doesn’t work because you don’t have that much ram.

Consider this C program, you cannot do this with Bigarray.Genarray.map_file:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int fd = open("my.big.file", O_RDONLY);
  char * x = mmap(NULL, 4398046511104, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
  printf("ptr: %x\nerrno: %d\n", x, errno);
  return 0;

Which is why I asked if someone knew of a library that has bindings to mmap that supports read-only files, since I don’t feel very comfortable C bindings with destructors in OCaml yet :slight_smile:

EDIT: Of course this will segfault your application if you actually write to the Bigarray. I don’t understand why OCaml doesn’t have an immutable array type, but that’s another discussion.

I believe mmap with MAP_PRIVATE has copy-on-write semantics (according to manpage). Running a simple tests with a 10GB file (my MacBook has 4GB RAM) reveals that the process allocates at least 10GB of virtual memory, but htop says the physical memory usage is ~600M (page cache?) while the program is running at steady state. I may be misinterpreting, but since my laptop didn’t seem to slow to a halt, I don’t think it actually allocates everything if you’re not writing to the bigarray.

let ba =
  let fd = Unix.openfile "ten-gb.dat" [ O_RDONLY ] 0o600 in
  Unix.map_file fd Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout false [| 10_000_000_000 |]
  |> Bigarray.array1_of_genarray

let () =
  (* 16-bit sum of bytes in file *)
  let sum = ref 0 in
  let mask = 0xFFFF_FFFF in
  for i = 0 to 9_999_999_999 do
    let byte = Char.code ba.{i} in
    sum := (!sum + byte) land mask
  Printf.printf "sum is %x\n" !sum

@bcc32 MAP_PRIVATE does not reserve physical pages on its own until you start modifying pages, for example it is used for global memory for shared libraries. Otherwise this would be a security problem (from /proc/self/maps, where rw-p signifies PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | MAP_PRIVATE):

77d386b31000-77d386b33000 rw-p 001b4000 fd:00 395229                     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.27.so

The problem is with the userland/kernel break, which is in turn usually configured based on your chipset bus address range; on my system userland has 4TB.
Try mmap’ing a 5TB or 17TB file, unless you’re using some very funky kernel (and processor) that should give you an error.
You can create a sparse file using truncate -s 5TB big.file if you want to test without actually writing 5TB to your disk.

EDIT: Sorry, just to clarify: MAP_SHARED doesn’t count towards this limit since it’s not a private allocation, so it is limited by the virtual address space instead (so on 32bit platforms that still doesn’t get you very far).
Using MAP_PRIVATE was just a hack to work around the problem that I couldn’t mmap read-only files.

@cfcs Ah, I misunderstood the problem then. I’m not able to test your suggestion, but I thought you were referring to running out of physical memory in your previous post. Thanks for clarifying.