Context: To teach myself more about OCaml, Parsers and Unix systems programming I’m writing a basic shell in OCaml.
If I enter something like ls -Z
while running my shell it successfully prints to stdout and moves the prompt to the next line. If I do something more complex like foo < infile 2> errfile > outfile
it still woks just fine, moving the prompt to the next line. But if I do anything with any number pipes (viz. ls | grep foo
) it will process the pipeline, emit to stdout, run the prompt a second time and then immediately throw End_of_file exception.
> ls | grep dune
// Immediately exits after printing > a second time
I’ve narrowed down the problem to my usage of read_line (). read_line is throwing an EOF immediately after I successfully pipe without waiting for user input.
Here is my main loop
let repl _ =
print_newline ();
let rec repl' _ =
print_string "> ";
let ln = read_line () in (* This line is throwing on the second iteration*)
let prog = parse_string ln in
ignore(exec_conditional prog);
repl' ()
try repl' () with End_of_file -> ()
let () = repl ()
And the body of my executor where i perform the pipe (kind of long but for completeness)
let lastexitcode = ref 0
let redirect {file_desc = fd; filename; _} =
match fd with
| 0 ->
let filehandle = Unix.openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ] 0o640 in
Unix.dup2 filehandle Unix.stdin
| 1 ->
let filehandle =
Unix.openfile filename [ O_TRUNC; O_CREAT; O_WRONLY ] 0o640
Unix.dup2 filehandle Unix.stdout
| 2 ->
let filehandle =
Unix.openfile filename [ O_TRUNC; O_CREAT; O_WRONLY ] 0o640
Unix.dup2 filehandle Unix.stderr
| _ -> raise @@ ExecError "TODO: Impl arbitrary file descriptor redirection"
let exec_pipeline pipeline =
let pipeline_array = Array.of_list pipeline in
let upper_index_bound = Array.length pipeline_array - 1 in
(* Iterate from 0 to just max index - 1, performing the final fork after this loop*)
for i = 0 to upper_index_bound - 1 do
let fd_in, fd_out = Unix.pipe () in
let command = pipeline_array.(i) in
let pid = Unix.fork () in
if pid < 0 then
@@ ExecError ("Fork failed for command: " ^ command_to_string command)
else if pid > 0 then (
Unix.dup2 fd_in Unix.stdin;
Unix.close fd_out;
Unix.close fd_in)
else (
Unix.dup2 fd_out Unix.stdout;
Unix.close fd_out;
Unix.close fd_in;
List.iter redirect command.redirections;
Unix.execvp command.executable
(Array.of_list (command.executable :: command.args)))
let command = pipeline_array.(upper_index_bound) in
let pid = Unix.fork () in
if pid < 0 then
raise @@ ExecError ("Fork failed for command: " ^ command_to_string command)
else if pid > 0 then
let _, status = Unix.waitpid [ Unix.WUNTRACED ] pid in
match status with
| Unix.WEXITED exitcode -> lastexitcode := exitcode
| _ -> failwith "TODO: Stopped and signalled processes unimplemented"
else (
List.iter redirect command.redirections;
Unix.execvp command.executable
(Array.of_list (command.executable :: command.args)));
let rec exec_conditional = function
| BasePipeline p -> exec_pipeline p
| Or (lhs, rhs) ->
let retcode = exec_conditional lhs in
if retcode <> 0 then exec_conditional rhs else retcode
| And (lhs, rhs) ->
let retcode = exec_conditional lhs in
if retcode <> 0 then retcode else exec_conditional rhs
For brevity I’ve omitted some of my type definitions since they don’t seem to be the problem.
So in essence, my question is why read_line is throwing End_of_file immediately after I call Unix.pipe, and only after I call Unix.pipe, without waiting for user input? I see in the docs that read_line would throw if EOF is encountered at the start of input, but why would EOF show up before I enter any input on the second iteration?