I’m trying to collect user input by use of the following function:
let promptString ?(msg=None) s =
let prompt = match msg with
| Some msg -> msg
| None -> String.capitalize_ascii s
print_string @@ prompt ^ ": ";
flush stdout;
let value = read_line () in
Val (s, String value)
However, when running the program, the prompt never gets printed before attempting to read a line. I call this function 3 times, and it accepts 3 line inputs before finally flushing the prompt text. Any idea how to fix this?
Same problem here. Neither print_string "a" nor Printf.printf "a%!" print anything (even when followed by flush stdout). I have to use print_endline "a" and then it works.
In case this is relevant, this comes in
let test x =
Seq.iter (f x) 0
with _ -> Printf.printf "There was an error (raised by f).%!"
I guess this comes from the delayed evaluation of Seq, but it’s strange that %! has no effect.
In case this is relevant: in some terminals / using some prompts, the last line of command output does not appear unless it ends with a newline. For example, on my computer: