I am still learning ocaml and have run into an issue printing the contents of a buffer to stdout (or anything to be honest). I have tried using the buffered channels and string conversions but nothing seems to work. Even calling this (Stdio.Out_channel.output_string Stdio.stdout "lookey here";
) does not print to stdout so I am not sure how to verify that my buffer ever gets updated. However, I have noticed white spaces show up instead of my desired output.
open Base
let interpret tokens =
let tape = Array.create ~len:30000 0 in
let outt = Buffer.create 500 in
let rec execute acc tokens ptr =
match tokens with
| Dot :: rest ->
Buffer.add_char outt (Char.unsafe_of_int tape.(ptr));
Stdio.Out_channel.output_string Stdio.stdout "lookey here";
execute (Dot :: acc) rest ptr
| Comma :: rest ->
let ch = Stdio.In_channel.input_char Stdio.stdin in
tape.(ptr) <- Option.value_map ch ~default:0 ~f:Char.to_int;
execute (Comma :: acc) rest ptr
Stdio.Out_channel.output_buffer Stdio.stdout outt;
Stdio.Out_channel.flush Stdio.stdout;
execute [] tokens 0
This sample uses the Base module but my prior attempts didn’t and still would not return the desired result.