What libraries are missing in the ecosystem, for you? Any libraries - essential and non essential ones also.
MQTT and gRPC are things that would be nice for working with services.
I know there has been movement on gRPC lately but I still don’t know of any MQTT effort.
Hmm? There’s an MQTT client library at least. I use it to control my water heater.
Which library if I may ask?
@anuragsoni pointed out this library to me in private: https://github.com/odis-labs/ocaml-mqtt
For me its mainly database related things. Like something to do low latency writes to disk in a write-ahead-log fashion.
Which [mqtt] library if I may ask?
I use this one: GitHub - ekoeppen/mqtt_client: MQTT client written in OCaml
Hasn’t it been abandoned?
Hi! I’m the maintainer of odis-labs/ocaml-mqtt package.
The library implements the MQTT client protocol with QoS levels 0 and 1 (2 is currently missing and is arguably less useful). I used it in a production setting to serve up to 20 million events per day without any issues. There’s still some work to make it feature complete and reliable, but I think it’s a good foundation.
Feel free to try it out and let me know what’s missing
It’s not so much that libraries are missing, as the documentation to use those libraries is missing.
most recently I could not find a NATS client
Also high quality native compression libraries instead of the wrappers for the system libs:
It’s a niche interest but I would be happy about a library that can parse FIT files (popular for fitness data) files. The workaround is to parse GPX files, another popular format, which is based on XML.
I started something myself: https://github.com/lindig/fit
A big one that’s missing: a decimal data type. .NET (i.e. C#/VB.Net/F#) has the built-in type decimal
, Java has BigDecimal
, etc. It’s the obvious and only reasonable way to deal with monetary calculations.
- Decimal floating point arithmetic - it was suggested to use Zarith bigintegers or rationals
- https://github.com/ocaml/Zarith/issues/55 - Zarith maintainers think decimal type is out of scope for Zarith
- https://inbox.ocaml.org/caml-list/f7b50d2a0905160027g532878feo9ee7191ccde40a1d@mail.gmail.com/T/#u - it was suggested to use a long integer and manually track scale.
Edit: a little surprising to have this gap in OCaml, with OCaml being so ‘popular’ in the fintech world…
Jane Street has a Bigdecimal type (based on Zarith), which I think we would be happy to open source if there was interest.
That would be very kind of you all. I was playing around with libgmp decimal floats yesterday and, it looks quite tricky to bind to! At least to my untrained eye.
Well, the fates have a sense of humour. Scrolling Twitter randomly today I come across this thread about floating-point errors in calculating French taxes.
That led me to this PR in the Mlang project, which is a domain-specific language created by the French Government for French tax calculations … and implemented in OCaml: https://gitlab.inria.fr/verifisc/mlang
Which led me to a complete set of OCaml bindings to libgmp, including floats.
Exploring this now…
So I’ve been exploring the mlgmpidl
library’s bindings to MPFR, but it seems to be a radix-2 representation as well, not a decimal:
# #require "gmp";;
# Mpfrf.to_string (Mpfrf.add (Mpfrf.of_string "0.1" Near) (Mpfrf.of_string "0.2" Near) Near);;
- : string = "0.30000000000000004E0"
(I believe Near
is the banker’s rounding or half-even rounding method)
By contrast to Java or Scala BigDecimal:
scala> BigDecimal("0.1") + BigDecimal("0.2")
res0: scala.math.BigDecimal = 0.3
The author of the thread seems to think so too: https://twitter.com/DMerigoux/status/1322551498799226884
I should mention, you might want to try out Bignum. It’s not exactly a decimal representation, since it can’t ensure that things are always representable as decimals. But it does some of what you might want.
open! Core
open Bignum.O
let pr x = print_endline (Bignum.to_string_accurate x)
let%expect_test "" =
(* Be careful about how you convert floats to decimals! You don't
really want the precise one most of the time. *)
pr @@ Bignum.of_float_dyadic 0.3;
[%expect {| 0.299999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875 |}];
pr @@ Bignum.of_float_decimal 0.3;
[%expect {| 0.3 |}];
(* But now that you have the right way of importing them, you can
add and compute and it should all work fine *)
let d = Bignum.of_float_decimal in
pr (d 0.1 + d 0.3);
[%expect {| 0.4 |}];
(* But what about things that don't have a precise representation as
a decimal? Well, Bignum gives you a precise rational
representation instead. *)
pr (d 1. / d 3.);
[%expect {| (0.333333333 + 1/3000000000) |}];
(* You can ask for a decimal representation, but it will fail
sometimes. *)
print_s [%sexp (Bignum.to_string_decimal_accurate (d 1. / d 3.) : string Or_error.t)];
[%expect {| (Error ("Not representable as decimal" (0.333333333 + 1/3000000000))) |}]