What happened to "The Future of PPX"?

This post, The Future of PPX, recently popped up on the suggested topics list. It seemed like it had some interesting ideas, so I went to check out the associated GitHub page (link) and saw that the last update was four years ago.

I was wondering, whatever happened to that project? Were some of the ideas rolled into the existing ppx infrastructure or was is mostly abandoned, and if so, for what reasons?

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If I’m not mistaken, all the effort went to ppxlib: GitHub - ocaml-ppx/ppxlib: Base library and tools for ppx rewriters. It became the best documented, the most up-to-date and probably the most used.

The maintainers work on each OCaml release to have backward compatibility with the Parsetree and ensure previous versions of your ppx can target future versions of OCaml.

I’m unaware of history of all of this, but it became reality imo.