Ubuntu opam init failure

I’m trying to run “opam init” on Ubuntu 19.04 and run into the below output:

<><> Creating initial switch (ocaml-system>=4.02.3) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[ERROR] Solver failed: "/usr/bin/aspcud /tmp/opam-eiselekd-6435/solver-in-6435-2c871f /tmp/opam-eiselekd-6435/solver-out-6435-ad6566 -count(removed),-sum(reque
        with code 1 "ERROR: grounder returned with non-zero exit status"
Switch initialisation failed: clean up? ('n' will leave the switch partially iystalled) [Y/n]

Searching the web for this error message yields this.

If you are not using opam v2, you should it no longer needs an external solver.

I did the “opam update; opam install opam-devel” method and copied opam binary to PATH and then “opam init” doesnt spit out an error.