We at Formal.land are going to use Dream in our project, fixed Caqti-requests today: Caqti-requests fixed according to updated version of Caqti · klausnat/dream@73a87fb · GitHub
two weeks later, any news?
I haven’t followed closely how ocaml-community has evolved, but as the founder of coq-community (from which ocaml-community/meta’s text was partly inspired), I can say that if the question was asked in the context of the Coq ecosystem (if Dream was a Coq package rather than an OCaml package), there would be no doubt that a fork of Dream would be in scope for coq-community. We would not consider that we are giving any “official” status to the package by adopting it. That being said, other similar organizations (in particular, elm-community, by which coq-community was inspired) have had similar debates with different conclusions (a project initially maintained within elm-community was moved to a different sponsor because it was not considered core enough to be in scope for elm-community: Upgrade to 0.19? · Issue #87 · elm-community/elm-datepicker · GitHub).
In case anyone following this discussion is interested, I’ll add that, with a colleague of mine, we have studied the kind of organizations that elm-community, coq-community and ocaml-community are (that we have called Community Package Maintenance Organizations) and we have written an article about them. It’s available at: https://hal.telecom-paris.fr/hal-03976601 (FWIW it’s long, but pretty easy to read). IMHO it gives some insights on good practices from other ecosystem that ocaml-community could take inspiration from.
I have contacted @antron, and there are few resolution paths that are currently being explored; a short-term solution might be in sight.
Good news, everyone: there is movement in the Dream repository. Seems like @antron is back.
Tarides engineer here.
Tarides uses Dream for a number of our projects and we plan to continue using it for new projects. We are invested in the ongoing development of Dream, and will contribute to and support a community effort to keep Dream active. We have a number of important systems using Dream that we support like ocaml.org and ci.ocamllabs.io.
As mentioned back in Oct 22 we have accumulated a number of Dream changes for ocaml-matrix, mirage, and multicore/EIO support, along with various smaller bug fixes and improvements. All of which we want to contribute back and have included in Dream releases. Further to that, we would like to see the following issues addressed:
- resolving the state of httpaf/h2/gluten/paf/websocketaf forks
- Let’s Encrypt support
- full OCaml 5.0 multicore support, ideally EIO
- Mirage support
- Third party Authentication
Recently Tarides entered into an agreement to sponsor @antron to continue his excellent work on Dream. In addition to @antron we need an active community of contributors to Dream to have a sustainable project.
Who in the community would be willing to contribute to Dream’s development?
That is fantastic news! As a newcomer, I can definitely say the Dream caught me eye when first looking at OCaml (out of curiosity).
Having a strong web stack is essential IMO, to attract new blood to this community so this looks like a great step forward
I’m also quite interested in the Ocsigen stack, but Dream is much more approchable.
Indeed, I am back to working on Dream. Big thanks to Tarides for the renewed support!
Welcome back. Would you like to share your plans for Dream?
I certainly have quite the backlog of tweaks and bugfixes that are ripe for upstreaming.
To close the loop on the original topic though: I still think it would be great to see the project either move into a community space, or at least have additional committers join @ GitHub - aantron/dream: Tidy, feature-complete Web framework. As great as it is that Anton is back (I’ll second that “thanks to Tarides” sentiment), it seems reasonable to expect that we’ll be back in a similar spot if/when Tarides’ sponsorship of his work concludes.
I’m stepping in to lock this post temporarily, due to political commentary and a flagging/unflagging set piece going on across multiple users. All parties involved, please cease this immediately in this space. This forum should remain on topic for OCaml discussions only.