I just installed opam version 2.2.0 from Homebrew, and when I ran opam init, I received the following warning message:
<><> Fetching repository information ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
[default] Initialised
default (at https://opam.ocaml.org):
[WARNING] opam is out-of-date. Please consider updating it (https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html)
I had been under the impression that opam 2.2 was the latest version; the referenced opam - Install link does not indicate otherwise… Am I missing something?
Hi! That’s a good question. I think, but cannot confirm, that it was the correct binary. My (weak) evidence is the following:
First, I got this message in a manually installed copy of opam. Because it was the latest version already, I was a bit confused, so I wiped out my entire OCaml ecosystem, deleting ~/.opam, as usual to start over, in case some subtle inconsistent state was causing this like so many other things.
Then, after verifying that there were no OCaml-related binaries in my PATH, I installed opam using homebrew and ran opam init. Here, I received the same message.
Hmm - are you able to run it again, although rather than deleting ~/.opam, just renaming it temporarily? (i.e. mv ~/.opam ~/.opam.bak ; opam init and then subsequently rm -rf ~/.opam ; mv ~/.opam.bak ~/.opam).