Question regarding the inlining of functions with functors

I was surprised to observe with the following snippet, that the calls to MA.g () and MB.g () functions contains an indirection:

module type S = sig
  val g : unit -> unit

module A : S = struct
  let g () = Format.eprintf "A.g\n"

module B : S = struct
  let g () = Format.eprintf "B.g\n"

module Make (X : S) : S = struct
  include X

module MA = Make (A)
module MB = Make (B)

(* print_int are marks to ease the reading of assembly code *)
let () =
  print_int 3;
  A.g ();
  print_int 4;
  MA.g ();
  print_int 5;
  MA.g ();
  print_int 6

By compiling with ocaml -S we can observe the assembly code (OCaml 4.14.0):

	movl	$7, %eax
	call	camlStdlib__string_of_int_177@PLT
	movq	%rax, %rbx
	movq	camlStdlib@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	movq	304(%rax), %rax
	call	camlStdlib__output_string_250@PLT
	movq	camlTest2__3@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	call	camlStdlib__Format__eprintf_1787@PLT
	movl	$9, %eax
	call	camlStdlib__string_of_int_177@PLT
	movq	%rax, %rbx
	movq	camlStdlib@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	movq	304(%rax), %rax
	call	camlStdlib__output_string_250@PLT
	movq	camlTest2@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	movq	24(%rax), %rax
	movq	(%rax), %rbx
	movl	$1, %eax
	movq	(%rbx), %rdi
	call	*%rdi
	movl	$11, %eax
	call	camlStdlib__string_of_int_177@PLT

Using our markers above we see the code generated for A.g at the labels .L108 and .L109 which is the code that calls directly the function eprintf.

Again using our markers, we observe the code generated for MA.g () is at the labels .L111 and .112. And this time, we see an indirection since the call is done at the address contained in the register %rdi.

Is there a way to remove this indirection?

  • I would assume flambda does this (but for my use-case, I cannot rely on flambda)
  • I did not find any ppx that would do it
  • Using -O3 does not help either

I am also wondering why this inlining is not done by the OCaml compiler at the moment?

For technical reasons, the default inliner cannot inline functions that contains functions. That covers most functors. So the modules MA and MB in your example are more or less (typed) black boxes for the compiler.
It would be technically feasible to store enough information on functions (and functors) so that even if we’re not inlining them, we can propagate an approximation of the result, in your case allowing the calls to MA.g and MB.g to be inlined or at least translated to direct calls, but that’s a non-trivial amount of work and would likely increase the size of cmx files by a large factor.

As you guessed, flambda can indeed remove the indirection (it does not have the limitation on functions containing functions). I don’t know about ppxes, but -O3 is a flambda-specific option so it would not help if you’re not using flambda.


So I guess there is no trick to get around this limitation? (except a PPX one maybe?)

The trick is to use flambda. If you can’t, the only workaround I can see would be to try to use the local function optimisation ([@local] attribute), but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone using it for functors and it comes with huge restrictions on the way you organize your code.


I just noticed that this feature has actually been there for a while already. The reason it doesn’t work on your example is that your functor doesn’t define any functions itself, so inlining is the only way to recover the correct function to call. But for usual functors like Map.Make or Set.Make, even if the functor is not inlined the functions themselves can be called without indirection.
In your case, if you want to benefit from this you need to put as much logic as possible in the body of the functor. For example:

module type S = sig
  val g : unit -> unit

module type Arg = sig
  val msg : string

module A : Arg = struct
  let msg = "A.g\n"

module B : Arg = struct
  let msg = "B.g\n"

module Make (X : Arg) : S = struct
  let g () = Format.eprintf "%s" X.msg

module MA = Make (A)
module MB = Make (B)

let () =
  print_int 4;
  MA.g (); (* This should be a direct call or inlined *)
  print_int 5;
  MB.g (); (* This should be a direct call or inlined *)
  print_int 6

If your actual code can be rewritten this way, then you should be able to get rid of the indirections. If not, flambda is probably your only solution.


Would you have a pointer to how this works precisely?

I can point you at the relevant parts of the code, but I don’t think there is any documentation of that anywhere. As far as I could tell this code was already present in the first version of ocamlopt, so there isn’t even a PR I can link to.

Pointing me to the compiler code is fine too.

Here is the type definition for approximations:

These approximations are used in middle_end/closure/ to perform various optimizations, including inlining, direct calls, and more.
In the Value_closure case, the second field is the approximation of the return type of the function. It is computed in close_functions (here) and used when compiling Lapply terms (see here for the most relevant part).