Question about code Ported from SML to OCaml

I ported the SML code to OCaml to learn how to implement Splay trees. Now it compiles and I am able to add values using the following function. This is just to check if it works.

 let ins_n  = 
  let tree = (0, ref Empty) in 
   let _i = add tree 1 in 
  let j = add tree 2 in 

But if I use the last function ( at the end of this question ) I see an error.

if n = 0 then empty() else add (ins_n (n-1)) n
Error: This expression has type set but an expression was expected of type
key * tree ref

I think if I don’t add elements using this function then all the elements are not added one by one. If that is
correct then I need to make this work. There might be another way too but I have only this function.
How can I fix this ? The last function is SML and I haven’t converted it to OCaml.


module type ORDERED_FUNCTIONAL_SET = sig
  (* Overview: a "set" is a set of distinct
   * elements of type "elem". Each element is     
   * identified by a unique key, which may be the 
   * same as the element itself. Two elements are 
   * considered distinct if they have different   
   * keys.  Keys are a totally ordered set.       
   * A set can be used to represent an ordinary   
   * set if key = elem.  It can be used to        
   * represent a mapping if elem = key * value.   
   * For example, if key and elem are int,        
   * then a set might be {1,-11,0}, {}, or        
   * {1001}. If key is string and elem is int,    
   * a set could be {("elephant", 2), ("rhino",   
   * 25), ("zebra", 2)} *)
  (* *)

  type key
  type elem
  type set
  type order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER
  (* compare(k1,k2) reports the ordering of k1 and k2. *)
  val compare : key -> key -> order
  (* keyOf(e) is the key of e. *)
  val keyOf: elem -> key
  val intOf: elem -> int
  (* empty() is the empty set. *)
  val empty : unit -> set
  (* Effects: add(s,e) is s union {e}. Returns true
   * if e already in s, false otherwise. *)
  (* val add: set * elem -> set * bool *)

  type tree = Empty | Node of tree * elem * tree
  type node = tree * elem * tree
  val add: int * tree ref -> elem -> (int * (tree * elem * tree) ref) * bool
  (* remove(s,k) is (s',eo) where s' = s - {k} (set difference)
   * and eo is either SOME e if there is an e in s
   * where k is e's key, or NONE otherwise. *)
  (* val remove: set * key -> set * elem option *)

  (* lookup(s,k) is SOME e where k = keyOf(e), or NONE if
   * the set contains no such e. *)
  (* val lookup: set * key -> elem option *)

  (* size(s) is the number of elements in s. *)
  (* val size: set -> int *)

  val size : 'a -> 'b -> 'a
  (* Ordered set operations *)

  (* first(s) is SOME of the element of s with the smallest key,
   * or NONE if s is empty. *)
  (* val first: set -> elem option *)

  (* last(s) is SOME of the element of s with the largest key,
   * or NONE if s is empty. *)
  (* val last: set -> elem option *)

  (* A fold operation on ordered sets takes a key argument
   * that defines the element where the fold starts. *)
  type 'b folder = ((elem*'b)->'b) -> 'b -> key -> set -> 'b
  (* fold over the elements in key order. *)
  val fold_forward: 'b folder
  (* fold over the elements in reverse key order. *)
  val fold_backward: 'b folder
(*   val print: set -> unit *)

module type ORDERED_SET_PARAMS = sig
  type key
  type elem
  val keyOf: elem -> key
  val intOf: elem -> int
  type order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER
  (* val compare: key -> key -> order *)

  val toString: elem -> string

module  SplayTree (Params : ORDERED_SET_PARAMS)
  : ORDERED_FUNCTIONAL_SET with type key = Params.key and
                                  type elem = Params.elem = struct
  type key = Params.key
  type order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER
  type elem = Params.elem
  (* let compare = *)

  let keyOf = Params.keyOf
  let intOf = Params.intOf
  type tree = Empty | Node of tree * elem * tree
  type node = tree * elem * tree
  (* Representation invariant: given a node (L, V, R),
   * All values in the left subtree L are less than V, and
   * all values in the right subtree R are greater than V, and
   * both L and R also satisfy the RI.
  type set = int * (tree ref)
  (* Representation invariant: size is the number of elements in
   * the referenced tree. *)
  let compare (k1: key) (k2: key) : order =
    if k1 < k2 then LESS
    else if k1 = k2 then EQUAL
    else GREATER
  let empty() = (0, ref Empty)

  (* splay(n,k) is a BST node n' where n' contains
   * all the elements that n does, and if an
   * element keyed by k is in under n, #value n'
   * is that element.  Requires: n satisfies the
   * BST invariant.
  let rec splay (l, v, r) (k:Params.key) =
    match compare k (keyOf (v)) with
    | EQUAL -> (l, v, r)
        | LESS ->
        (match l with
             | Empty -> (l, v, r) (* not found *)
             | Node (ll, lv, lr) ->
               match compare k (keyOf (lv)) with
                 | EQUAL -> (ll, lv, Node(lr, v, r)) (* 1: zig *)
                 | LESS ->
                 (match ll with
                      | Empty -> (Empty, lv, Node(lr, v, r))
				(* not found *)
                      | Node (lln, lvn, lrn) as n -> (* 2: zig-zig *)
                        let (lll, llv, llr) = splay (lln, lvn, lrn) k  in
                | GREATER ->
                    (match lr with
                        | Empty -> (ll, lv, Node(Empty, v, r))
                        |Node (lln, lvn, lrn) as n ->  (* 3: zig-zag *)
                          let (lrl, lrv, lrr) = splay (lln, lvn, lrn) k  in
        | GREATER ->
	(match r with
	    | Empty -> (l, v, r) (* not found *)
	    | Node (rl, rv, rr) ->
	     match compare k (keyOf (rv)) with
		     |EQUAL -> (Node(l,v,rl),rv,rr) (* 1: zag *)
         | GREATER ->
		(match rr with
		   | Empty -> (Node(l,v,rl),rv,rr) (* not found *)
		 | Node (lln, lvn, lrn) as n -> (* 3: zag-zag *)
		 let (rrl, rrv, rrr) = splay (lln, lvn, lrn) k  in
		| LESS ->
		(match rl with
	| Empty -> (Node(l,v,rl),rv,rr) (* not found *)
 | Node (lln, lvn, lrn) as n -> (* 2: zag-zig *)
	 let (rll, rlv, rlr) = splay (lln, lvn, lrn) k  in

  let lookup (size,tr) k =
    match !tr with
        |Empty -> None
        | Node (lln, lvn, lrn) as n ->
          let   (r1,v,r2) as n' = splay (lln, lvn, lrn) k in
          tr := Node (r1,v,r2);
          if compare k  (keyOf(v)) = EQUAL then Some v
          else None

  let rec add_tree t e: node * bool =
    match t with
    |Empty -> ((Empty, e, Empty), false)
       | Node (l,v,r) ->
         (match compare (keyOf(v)) (keyOf(e)) with
        | EQUAL -> ((l,e,r),true)
        (* | GREATER -> let (n',b) = add_tree l e  in *)
        (*                    ((Node(n'),v,r),b) *)
        (* | LESS ->    let (n',b) = add_tree r e in *)
        (*                    ((l,v,Node(n')),b) *)
        | GREATER -> let ((x,y,z),b) = add_tree l e  in
       | LESS ->    let ((x,y,z),b) = add_tree r e in
          ((l,v,Node (x,y,z)),b)

  let size s tr  = s

  type 'b folder = ((elem*'b)->'b) -> 'b -> key -> set -> 'b

  (* let add (size,tr) (e:elem) = let *)
  (*   (t', b) = add_tree !tr e  in *)
  (*   let node = splay t'  (keyOf(e)) in *)
  (*   let size' = if b then size else size+1 *)
  (*   in *)
  (*   ((size', ref (Node(t''))),b) *)

  let add (size,tr) (e:elem) = let
    ((l,v,r), b) = add_tree !tr e  in
    let node = splay (l,v,r)  (keyOf(e)) in
    let size' = if b then size else size+1
    let _ = Printf.printf "%d " size' in
    ((size', ref ((l,v,r))),b)

  let rec fold_forward f b k (size,tr) =
  fold_forward_tree f b k (!tr)
  and fold_forward_tree (f: elem*'b->'b) (b:'b) (k:key) (t:tree) =
    match t with
  | Empty -> b
  | Node (l,v,r) ->
    (match compare (keyOf(v)) k  with
     |EQUAL -> fold_forward_tree f (f(v,b)) k r
             | LESS -> fold_forward_tree f b k r
             | GREATER -> let lv = fold_forward_tree f b k l in
             fold_forward_tree f (f(v,lv)) k r

  (* let first (size,tr) : elem option = raise (Failure "first: not implemented") *)

  (* let remove s e  = raise (Failure "remove: not implemented") *)

  (* let last s tr  = raise (Failure "last: not implemented") *)

  let fold_backward f b k s = raise (Failure "fold_backward: not implemented")


module I_Params = struct
  type key = int
  type elem = int
  let keyOf x = x
  let intOf x =x 
  let toString = string_of_int
  type order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER

module IST = SplayTree( I_Params)

open IST

(* let ins_n  = *)
(*   let tree = (0, ref Empty) in *)
(*   let _i = add tree 1 in *)
(*   let j = add tree 2 in *)
(*   j *)
let rec ins_n n  =
  if n = 0 then empty() else add (ins_n (n-1)) n

The module type ORDERED_FUNCTIONAL_SET breaks type abstractions as written because it exposes the implementation detail of the sets in the add function.

val add:  int * tree ref -> elem -> (int * (tree * elem * tree) ref) * bool

the correct type for a function add function should be

val add : set -> elem -> set

You should also not expose the definition of the type tree nor node in the module types, those are implementation details.

Once the module type (and the add function fixed), your ins function should compile fine.

(Also the implementation is not a purely functional set but a persistent one.)

1 Like

I combined these 2 functions like the SML version and removed implementation details.
The combination using and like this compiles but the error is still there. The ‘bool’ is used in the logic to calculate the size. I think.

> if n = 0 then empty() else (add (ins_n (n-1)) n)
>                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Error: This expression has type set * bool
>        but an expression was expected of type set
 let rec add ((size,tr):set) (e:elem) = let
    ((l,v,r), b) = add_tree !tr e  in
    let node = splay (l,v,r)  (keyOf(e)) in
    let size' = if b then size else size+1
    ((size', ref (Node((l,v,r)))),b) and
   add_tree  (t: tree) (e: elem) :node * bool =
    match t with
    |Empty -> ((Empty, e, Empty), false)
    | Node (l,v,r) ->
      (match compare (keyOf(v)) (keyOf(e)) with
       | EQUAL -> ((l,e,r),true)
       (* | GREATER -> let (n',b) = add_tree l e  in *)
       (*                    ((Node(n'),v,r),b) *)
       (* | LESS ->    let (n',b) = add_tree r e in *)
       (*                    ((l,v,Node(n')),b) *)
       | GREATER -> let ((x,y,z),b) = add_tree l e  in
       | LESS ->    let ((x,y,z),b) = add_tree r e in
         ((l,v,Node (x,y,z)),b)


Your internal add function might return additional data, but the function exposed to this user should not publish this kind of internal information. Like I said, the type of add ought to be

val add: set -> elem -> set

Yes. I understand. Also realised that even with val add: set -> elem -> set * bool
which is also in the SML example, it works if I simulate the SML code.

fun ins_n(n) =
  if n = 0 then empty() else #1(add(ins_n(n-1), n))
let rec ins_n n  =
  if n = 0 then empty() else
    let r = add (ins_n (n-1)) n in
    match r with
      | (x,_) -> x

Multiple elements are added. Great SML example to learn OCaml from.Learnt so many concepts from that.
