Hi. I’m digging into Heritage_Platform project. I compiled and run it under OCaml 4.07.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 ARM. OCaml REPL helps to understand how it works, but I’d like to use a proper editor.
I tried VSCode + OCaml plugin + Ocaml language server. But VSCode doesn’t show type hints properly. VSCode OCaml plugin output shows errors:
Also, what debugger with breakpoints and variables values might I use for that project?
Use GDB for the debugger, it’s typically better supported on older releases. I just checked on my Ubuntu ARM64 machine, setting breakpoints based on mangled names and tab completion works. Setting breakpoints using file and line numbers doesn’t appear to work. For printing values use the gdb macros from that release ocaml/tools/gdb-macros at 4.07.1 · ocaml/ocaml · GitHub
GDB works with DAP under VSCode, set it up with GDB as you would for a C or Rust project. I have this launch.json