Problem with running lwt code

open Lwt

let rec repeat_function_with_delay () =
  let my_function () =
    Lwt_io.printl "Function called" in
  my_function () >>= fun () ->
  Lwt_unix.sleep 1.0 >>= fun () ->  (* Delay of 1 second *)
  repeat_function_with_delay ()

let () = (repeat_function_with_delay ())

I got error: Error: Unbound module Lwt_io

I’ve put lwt in my dune’s libraries.

Did you use the correct library name in the dune file? See the example on this page:

You need to also add lwt.unix in the libraries field of your dune file.

(The separation between lwt and lwt.unix is because Lwt aims to be friendly to js_of_ocaml in which the linux part of the library is not used.)

I’d also recommend that you open Lwt.Syntax which then gives you let* binding operators.

open Lwt

let rec repeat_function_with_delay () =
  let my_function () =
    Lwt_io.printl "Function called" in
  let* () = my_function () in
  let* () = Lwt_unix.sleep 1.0 in  (* Delay of 1 second *)
  repeat_function_with_delay ()

It doesn’t make much difference on a small example like this with just () values. But it’s nicer on bigger programs. Might as well start using this early.


Thanks for the solution! The following information is critical for new comers, but it doesn’t mention in documentation.

‘lwt.unix’ information

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