Lwt - Execution order and parallelism

In an attempt to understand and use lwt, I’m trying to create a basic program that executes sleep in parallel:

open Lwt.Infix

let wait_time n =
  Lwt_io.printf "%f started\n" n  >>= fun () ->
  Lwt_unix.sleep (4.0 -. n) >>= fun () ->
  Lwt_io.printf "%f done\n" n

let () =
  let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  Printf.printf "Start time: %f\n" start_time;

  Lwt_main.run (Lwt_list.iter_s (wait_time) [1.0;2.0;3.0]);

  let end_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  Printf.printf "End time: %f\n" end_time;
  Printf.printf "Took: %f\n" (end_time -. start_time);


1.000000 started
1.000000 done
2.000000 started
2.000000 done
3.000000 started
3.000000 done
Start time: 1500196376.614725
End time: 1500196382.617343
Took: 6.002618


  1. I expected the Lwt_list.iter_s to execute wait_time for each float in the list in parallel. The total time would then be ~3 seconds instead of ~6.
  2. Why is the start_time not printing before the wait_time list is iterated? Is the only way to solve this the Lwt_stream example in Print asynchronously but in the right order?

Try using Lwt_list.iter_p instead.

_p does the operation in parallel, _s sequentially.

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Thanks, I should have read the comments in lwt_list.mli:

(** Note: this module use the same naming convention as                     
    {!Lwt_stream}. *) 

Then from the comments in lwt_stream.mli:

Naming convention: in this module, all functions applying a function
to each element of a stream are suffixed by:

- [_s] when the function returns a thread and calls are serialised
- [_p] when the function returns a thread and calls are parallelised
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Why we need that new manual… https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/projects/2#card-3157309

Any thoughts on Issue 2.?

I believe Issue 2 is just related to buffering — I guess Printf.printf and Lwt_io.printf use different internal buffers.

Flushing the output after Printf.printf produces the output you expect:

Printf.printf "Start time: %f\n%!";

Note the use of %!, which flushes the output.

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Ack, sorry, bias hid #2 from me after I saw #1 solved. And thanks, @Armael, for addressing #2 so quickly :slight_smile:

Thanks @Armael, I’ve added %! at the end of all Printf.printf and Lwt_io.printf statements.

It’s pretty close now but somehow the done output from the last Lwt_io.printf thread to complete sometimes outputs after the later executed Printf.print call:

Start time: 1500426619.207419
1.000000 started
2.000000 started
3.000000 started
3.000000 done
2.000000 done
End time: 1500426622.208663
Took: 3.001244
1.000000 done

Another execution:

Start time: 1500427025.013387
1.000000 started
2.000000 started
3.000000 started
3.000000 done
2.000000 done
End time: 1500427028.014688
1.000000 done
Took: 3.001301

Looks like it could be a race condition when flushing of the different internal buffers.

It’s not really important as the printing is only used for this example, but I’m curious to know if that can be solved?

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@bramford, this is basically a bug. Thanks for finding it.

The reason this happens is that Lwt_io.printf is implemented as sprintf internally (actually, ksprintf). As a result, when you try to flush using %!, it only causes that ksprintf to flush to that internal Lwt_io string. It basically has no effect. We need to document this.

There are two ways to solve this:

  1. Insert explicit Lwt_io.(flush stdout) any time Lwt_io can interact with something else writing to stdout.
  2. Only use Lwt_io on stdout.
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I created an issue about at least documenting this:


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Adding the explicit Lwt_io.flush solved the issue:

let wait_time n =
  Lwt_io.printf "%f started\n%!" n  >>= fun () ->
  Lwt_unix.sleep (4.0 -. n) >>= fun () ->
  Lwt_io.printf "%f done\n%!" n >>= fun () ->
  Lwt_io.flush Lwt_io.stdout

Interesting. Thanks for your time, @antron.

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