Outreachy Applicant

I am Neba Desmond Chenwie. Currently got accepted as an outreachy applicant, was looking for projects I could contribute too that’s when I came across this amaizing project.
But I don’t know how to go about this or what am suppose to do. Please I need some help!


Hi @Neba_Desmond :wave:

Welcome to the OCaml community, very excited to see that you want to participate in Outreachy :camel: !

I might be mistaken, but it looks like you found your way to the Outreachy channel on the discord server? @panglesd has replied to some other interested applicants on there with some good first steps :)) It might be easier to ask any additional questions on there. The projects on Outreachy should have some good descriptions and links to issues and repositories for you to look at too.