OCaml Workshop 2024 at ICFP -- announcement and call for proposals

As mentioned above, the submission deadline for the OCaml Workshop at ICFP is getting closer.

As a new note: A few weeks after the OCaml Workshop at ICFP, there’ll be the new initiative Fun OCaml in Berlin. It’s super exciting to have three OCaml-related workshops (first the ML Workshop and the OCaml Workshop at ICFP, and then Fun OCaml) over the course of a few weeks, and we’re also very much looking forward to Fun OCaml!

We’ve already mentioned that when reading the submissions, as every year, we’ll collaborate closely with the organizers of the ML workshop at ICFP, which intersects with the OCaml Workshop on talks with a strong theoretical and research-oriented focus. We’ll also collaborate with the organizers of Fun OCaml this year, which might intersect on talks with a strong practical focus. With collaboration, we mainly mean potentially transferring submissions from one workshop to another after checking in with the authors (side-note: if you want your presentation to be taken into account for a potential transfer, you need to respect the earlier of the two submission deadlines).

Best, and looking forward to this exciting year of OCaml workshops,
@Armael and @pitag