Ocaml Record design


I have a node record structure as below:

type node_t = {
    line_number: int;
    parent: node_t;
    children: node_t list;

Now, node may or may not have children. So, I do not want to store children field in memory for those nodes who does not have any children.

Is there any possibility to design such record structure?

Thank you in advance.

I don’t think you can do it with just a record; but you could use a sum type to differentiate between the two cases:

type node_t =
  | Inner of {line_number: int; parent: node_t; children: node_t list}
  | Leaf of {line_number: int; parent: node_t}

(the memory layout of the Inner case is identical to your record type, for the Leaf case, the memory representation contains only two fields.)

Best wishes,


But then you have to store the tag for the sum type in memory no ?

How about:

type node_t = {
    line_number: int;
    parent_and_children: node_t list;
let parent node = List.hd node.parent_and_children
let children node = List.tl node.parent_and_children

I’d also recommend to make the type private and provide a constructor that forces you to respect the invariant that parent_and_children is not empty.

Records, like any other boxed value, also carry a tag (zero).

Best wishes,

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Oh I see, you are exploiting the fact that the record is actually inline in type t = A of { … } (but I’m guessing it’s not inlined for type tt = { … } type t = A of tt).

Yeah, my bad, your answer is cleaner.

Indeed, if the record payload to the constructor(s) was not inline there would be an extra indirection in the runtime representation.

Best wishes,

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Thank you Nicolás for this suggestion.
It worked for me :slight_smile: