I wanted to follow up on @2BitSalute’s message about organizing OCaml meetups in Seattle (on the thread about OCaml Foundation’s update) and figured I’d open a new thread.
@2BitSalute, it’s very cool that you want to organize meetups in Seattle! @jchavarri, @davesnx, and I are in a similar situation: We’ve been considering starting to organize OCaml meetups in Barcelona for a few months. Are there more people who’ve been considering starting meetups somewhere?
Similarly to @2BitSalute I guess, I’m also very curious to hear some experiences and opinions of people
One thing: How do you get people interested in joining? Do you just announce the meetups on the meetup.com page, and enough people get interested? Or do you count on university students or on people you know? I guess every case is different, but it’d be quite interesting to get an overview. @jchavarri has already had the (very good!) idea to give a talk about OCaml web development at a Barcelona JavaScript meetup, mentioning the potentially upcoming OCaml meetups. That’s already a good start at least.
By the way, I’m also curious about different meetup styles and hearing opinions! Lots of meetups in OCaml focus on theory and are presentations-style, e.g. OUPS in Paris and the meetups in Toulouse. @davesnx, @jchavarri, and I were thinking of doing more practical meetups, i.e. people get together and code some stuff in OCaml. I once went to an Elm meetup like that and it was a lot of fun. Do people have experience with that as well?