New name for jbuilder

It’s now settled: Jbuilder will be renamed Dune.

Thanks to everyone for helping in finding a new name for Jbuilder! I personally loved the dune books and I’m looking forward to this rename, I think it’s a great choice for Jbuilder.

We’ll start the renaming work at the beginning of next year, you can follow the advancement on this ticket. Dune will be the first non-beta release of the project.

Jbuilder has gone a long way since it’s initial alpha release in December 2016, and I hope Dune will continue to grow and help more developers in 2018.

Jbuilder has evolved from a domain specific industrial tool into a standard build system for the community. There are now 456 packages in opam using Jbuilder from 310 different repositories, and the team has grown with 3 new active developpers.

We are ending this year with exciting work such as cross compilation, with already lots of packages in the
opam-cross-windows repsository successfully using jbuilder to cross compile.

2018 will bring more good news, with in particular the addition of the plugin system which is starting to flesh out nicely. We will also move Dune from the janestreet github organization to a community one.

I thank everyone who contributed to jbuilder by submitting pull requests, reporting issues, participating in design discussions, organizing brainstorming sessions and just using it in their projects. A special thank to @rgrinberg who joined the project early this year and has enormously contributed to it.