Math formulas in odoc comment blocks

Trying to write math formulas in my comments without success :

(** {m \forall k in [0;n], 0 <= i_k < n_k} *)

as explained in odoc documentation but it does not render properly :

\forall k in [0;n-1], 0 <= i_k < n_k 

katex javascript lib seems missing :

PS H:\OCaml\GenArrayIter\_build\default> tree /F _doc
│   │   highlight.pack.js
│   │   index.html
│   │   odoc.css
│   │
│   ├───fonts
│   │       KaTeX_AMS-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Caligraphic-Bold.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Caligraphic-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Fraktur-Bold.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Fraktur-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Main-Bold.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Main-BoldItalic.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Main-Italic.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Main-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Math-BoldItalic.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Math-Italic.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_SansSerif-Bold.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_SansSerif-Italic.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_SansSerif-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Script-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Size1-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Size2-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Size3-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Size4-Regular.woff2
│   │       KaTeX_Typewriter-Regular.woff2
│   │
│   └───GenArrayIter
│       │   index.html
│       │
│       └───GenArrayIter
│           │   .dummy
│           │   index.html
│           │
│           └───Iter
│                   index.html
│   └───GenArrayIter
│           index.mld
│   └───pkg
│       └───GenArrayIter
│               page-index.odoc
1 Like

Can you run the following:

$ odoc --version


$ odoc support-files -o __test
$ tree __test

and report the output?

The first command to know the version of odoc you are using, the second one is the command (usually called by dune) to generate the support files (in this case in the __test directory), which should normally include katex.min.js.
You can remove the __test directory after that!

Could you also confirm that the file that should render the math includes the (missing apparently) katex lib? For instance, for me:

$ grep katex _build/default/_doc/_html/test_m/Test_m/index.html   
<html xmlns=""><head><title>Test_m (test_m.Test_m)</title><meta charset="utf-8"/><link rel="stylesheet" href="../../"/><meta name="generator" content="odoc %%VERSION%%"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"/><script src="../../"></script><script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();</script><link rel="stylesheet" href="../../"/><script src="../../"></script><script>
            var elements = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("odoc-katex-math"));
              new_el.setAttribute("class", "odoc-katex-math-rendered");
              katex.render(content, new_el, { throwOnError: false, displayMode: display });
</script></head><body class="odoc"><nav class="odoc-nav"><a href="../index.html">Up</a> – <a href="../index.html">test_m</a> &#x00BB; Test_m</nav><header class="odoc-preamble"><h1>Module <code><span>Test_m</span></code></h1><p><code class="odoc-katex-math">\forall k \in [0;n], 0 \leq i_k &lt; n_k</code></p></header><div class="odoc-content"></div></body></html>

Hello @panglesd

Sorry for the delay. I have odoc version 2.2.0 and for your test, please find the results below. I must say that I run all of this on a windows box (Diskml distrib) which has had some tricks with odoc…:

PS H:\OCaml\GenArrayIter> tree /F __TEST
Structure du dossier pour le volume Corsair 2
Le numéro de série du volume est 000000FF 0634:1600
│   highlight.pack.js
│   katex.min.css
│   katex.min.js
│   odoc.css

PS H:\OCaml\GenArrayIter> odoc --version

As for the file presumably missing katex lib, here is the content of the HTML header supposed to render the formulas :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">

  <title>Iter (GenArrayIter.GenArrayIter.Iter)</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../odoc.css" />
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta name="generator" content="odoc 2.2.0" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
  <script src="../../../highlight.pack.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../katex.min.css" />
  <script src="../../../katex.min.js"></script>

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
      var elements = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("odoc-katex-math"));
      for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        var el = elements[i];
        var content = el.textContent;
        var new_el = document.createElement("span");
        new_el.setAttribute("class", "odoc-katex-math-rendered");
        var display = el.classList.contains("display");
        katex.render(content, new_el, { throwOnError: false, displayMode: display });


<body class="odoc">
  <nav class="odoc-nav"><a href="../index.html">Up</a> – <a href="../../index.html">GenArrayIter</a> &#x00BB; <a
      href="../index.html">GenArrayIter</a> &#x00BB; Iter</nav>
  <header class="odoc-preamble">
    <h1>Module <code><span>GenArrayIter.Iter</span></code></h1>
  <div class="odoc-content">
    <div class="odoc-spec">
      <div class="spec value anchored" id="val-incr"><a href="#val-incr"
          class="anchor"></a><code><span><span class="keyword">val</span> incr : <span><span>int array</span> <span class="arrow">&#45;&gt;</span></span> <span><span>int array</span> <span class="arrow">&#45;&gt;</span></span> bool</span></code>
      <div class="spec-doc">
        <p>Given an index <code class="odoc-katex-math">i(i_0,i_1, ..., i_{n-1})</code> of dimension dims(d_0, d_1, ...,
          d_<code>n-1</code>) such that ∀ k in [0;n-1] 0 &lt;= i_k &lt; n_k, the function increment the index
          <code>i</code> according to the following recursive algorithm:</p>
// cut

That is very strange: the odoc support-files command does create the katex.min.js and katex.min.css files, but it seems they are not present when the command is called by dune

Since this is a Diskuv distrib, maybe this is due to some trick you mentioned? Any insight @jbeckford?

Also, which version of dune do you have? It seems, from what I understand from this PR, that dune below 3.7 won’t support math?

Yes I think that this version of dune will not build these support assets.

dune 3.6.2 … too bad then.

A workaround is to copy katex.min.js and katex.min.css “by hand” alongside the odoc.css file (eg by running the odoc support-files -o _build/default/_doc/_html command yourself).

It is only a partial workaround. It did work, but each time I change the source file, the documentation is not/wrongly updated. So the issue is more profond than just a file which is not copied at the right place in my opinion.

In summary, the issue is with Diskuv’s old version of dune, right?

that’s my assesment. I believe that a new version of diskuv is being prepared with dune 3.15.

The latest DkML 2.1.0 should be fine; follow the upgrading instructions at DkML 2.1.0 · DkML / Distributions / DkML · GitLab.

If you have problems upgrading please file an issue.


You could also try embedding MathML inside the odoc comment: Is it possible to include inline html in ocaml documentation (odoc)? - #2 by patricoferris

EDIT: here’s a tool which converts LaTeX markup to MathML: Temml - Convert TeX to MathML

I confirm it works with DkML 2.1.0. I don’t like the new way of invoking dune via opam…why is it that you need opam to run dune ?

Assuming you aren’t an advanced user with a findlib installation, you have always needed opam to run dune. On Unix that has been a magic eval $(opam env) invocation or some .profile modifications. There are magic invocations for Windows as well, but in your case I think you were using a DkML version 1.x from 2 years ago that unsafely hid some of the magic. Unsafe because:

  • DkML 1.x gave you an early version of Dune/opam integration that unfortunately conflicted with later Dune/opam integration roadmap item (A Roadmap for the OCaml Platform - Seeking Your Feedback).
  • the early integration failed for users in very non-transparent ways like all magic invocations are prone to do
  • the upcoming opam 2.2 does not (and should not) have that magic, and it is important that there is a sane migration path from DkML to regular opam in the near future

The most beginner-proof / clear / copy-and-pastable / cross-platform / future-compatible way is opam exec -- dune build.

(And I think you’ll be able to drop the opam eval or opam exec when the Dune/opam integration is finished. But someone from dune can confirm that.)

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Thanks, I understand better now.

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