[job | internship] Software Engineer Position at OCamlPro (France)

OCamlPro is a Paris-based company devoted to the promotion of the OCaml language in the industry, as a way to make industrial software more reliable. In the last 10 years, OCamlPro contributed many developments to the OCaml community, from open-source tooling (like the OPAM package manager, ocp-indent, Flambda compiler optimizations, Learn-OCaml website, etc.) to new industrial projects like the Tezos blockchain.

We are looking for motivated OCaml (and Rust) programmers in our two main axis of development:

  • OCaml Software Development: we develop software in OCaml and Rust for our customers, with a focus on reliability and language design. We are working on a large range of applications, so developers with a broad knowledge and experience in various domains are highly welcome. We hire both junior developers, starting at the M2 level, to senior developers with longer experience in the industry.

    For M2 students, we propose internships (check Recrutement OCamlPro | OCamlPro for updates !)

  • Formal Methods Development: we develop formal methods software and use them in industrial contexts for software verification. Our work is currently mostly focused around the use of the Why3 toolchain, the development of SMT solvers, and their application to the verification of real programs, such as Solidity smart contracts in the FreeTON blockchain. We usually hire developers with PhDs in formal methods, and M2 students interested in research internships followed by industrial Phds.

Our team is mostly based in Paris, but we are remote-friendly as long as regular stays in Paris are possible for team building.

Please email your resume or C.V. and a description of some of your best accomplishments to: contact@ocamlpro.com
