Indeed, though it took a long time to get to that conclusion given the original announcements and relative silence from the Reason folks (a.k.a. Jordan?).
The only concrete statements around this AFAIK are from Jordan in Discord last August:
It’s true enough today to say that Reason is for native and ReScript is for web, but that would mis-manage peoples’ expectations to state that in docs because that’s not the actual dividing line between the two. ReScript (from what I understand) is more about a unified stack for targeting JavaScript yes and I think that’s a good thing that is much needed. And yes, Reason will target native. But our plans for Reason are to continue investing in Reason as a JavaScript developer friendly, backend agnostic language on OCaml, and OCaml ecosystem. The main dividing line is actually more like whether or not there is support for OCaml conventions such as build system, package management, extended language features. Reason Syntax and related tools such as esy focus on compatibility, with the tradeoffs you’d expect.
Compiling to JS or not is not the most important dividing line. We will also build a toolchain that allows people to compile Reason Syntax + ocaml ecosystem compatible projects to JavaScript based on jsoo with improved integration with JS ecosystem, but for people who don’t have as much of a need for BS’s excellent JavaScript output. This is to make sure people that were working on shared universal codebases are not left hanging. We got you!
…and then this github issue: Future of ReasonML, planned support for the BuckleScript/ReScript compiler · Issue #2634 · reasonml/reason · GitHub
Judge for yourself, I guess