Is it practical to mix BuckleScript and Js_of_ocaml in a single project

From what I understand, BuckleScript seems a bit stronger in the area of JS interop (especially with ReasonReact and whatnot), while Js_of_ocaml seems stronger with OCaml interop.

Would there be a practical way to combine both of these in a single project, like using ReasonReact for DOM stuff, but Js_of_ocaml for logic?

I realize the answer is probably “No”, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. I realize there is a teeny, tiny bit of antagonism between these projects, but it would fantastic if there were a way to use them together for the areas in which each project shines.


I’m not entirely sure how that would work, and if it could work, I think that the complications this would introduce would far outweigh the benefits of combining the two in a single project.

For what it’s worth, I don’t see a need in combining bucklescript and jsoo in a single project, but I do see a need in writing libraries that work in both ecosystems. If there was a binding generator that worked for both, I believe that would address the vast majority of the antagonism between the two projects.

It’s what we’re going to do; at least it’s the current plan. We’ll use BuckleScript for stand-alone “web components” to keep them very small and reusable, thanks to BuckleScript almost directly using the browser’s “stdlib”.

We’ll use JSOO for our main client-side application however, which will give us access to most of our back-end library. Our library relies heavily on Core_kernel and Lwt, so BuckleScript wouldn’t allow much reuse at all.

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My assumption is that type inference and things don’t work across the two projects and you’re just treating your jsoo libraries as JS from BuckleScript. Is that right?

Pretty much. :grinning: Our BuckleScript components will stand alone entirely and be usable by JSOO, vanilla JS or other BuckleScript projects, or anything else which compiles to JS. The only I/O, if any, with these components will be limited to callbacks and state properties stashed in the DOM for all to use.