Interesting OCaml Articles

One advantage of videos for newcomers is it helps them see an example development workflow in a an environment they might not be familiar with.


I donā€™t know how much editing would be involved, but Iā€™ve heard good things about Video, a Racket DSL for video editing. It might help automating tedious steps, or just nerd-snipe the functional programmers that we areā€¦ :slight_smile:

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Clearly a port to OCaml is in order. :wink:

Definitely true, but keeping yourself going through an article is harder. The fact that you have no control of the tempo also means that youā€™re more likely to make it though to the other end, at which point you should have some familiarity with the topic. You can also pause and replay parts, or even play at 1.5x speed, which you canā€™t do in a lecture.

I think itā€™s easier than it seems, so long as youā€™re not doing any fancy special effects (which are unnecessary). Cutting out stuff is fairly easily done on just about any video editing software out there, and once you start doing it youā€™ll get better and better.


AFAIK this is implemented in OCaml:


An introduction to Fuzzing OCaml (programs) with AFL, Crowbar and Bun, September 4th 2019


Jane Street internship reports, August 30th, 2019.


Interesting performance comparison with quite a few languages when writing a user space network driver:


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I guess losing to Rust is expected, but Go? Isnā€™t that also garbage-collected?

Yes, C# is also garbage collected

Yes but its GC is optimized for extremely low collection times at the expensive of eating more memory. It isnā€™t too hard to get a Go program into a state where itā€™s memory explodes and it eventually runs out. This does mean itā€™s runtime tends to be quite fast in the common case, C speed or so.

I thought this might be of interest since AFAIK the backend is implemented in OCaml:

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The morning paper blog has a new post on Mergeable replicated datatypes, a paper ((by Gowtham Kaki, Swarn Priya, KC Sivaramakrishnan, and Suresh Jagannathan, 2019; PDF) explaining the design of a git-inspired approach to programmable distributed datastructures. The code is in OCaml, and I would assume that Irmin was an inspiration for this work.

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I have published a blog post about the OCaml release process: Testing OCaml releases with opamcheck.


Found on Mark Karpov writes yet another Haskell vs. OCaml for old timeā€™s sake. I found it worth a read and a mention here.

p.s. He spends a bit of time in the intro lamenting the lack of a conventional Unicode string library for OCaml, and I feel that pain acutely, especially since Iā€™m the author of an unconventional one, i.e. the Ucs_text module in my Orsetto project.


Not really an article, but interesting to see the performance comparison using multicore OCaml

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