In defense of OCaml objects

The case for objects in OCaml: duck typed values

Personally, I really dislike the object paradigm in programming and believe it’s bound to disappear.

It’s an over-engineered paradigm that was introduced in a very early stage of abstract programming languages and, more and more, programmers and engineers are learning to go for leaner abstractions that are easier to reason about.

To me, this all boils down to inheritance, which is a bad paradigm and a great footgun. Not being able to easily track down what version of a given method will be executed is really bad for reasoning about your code. At least that’s my opinion.

The object model in OCaml, in that regard, is not the most popular aspect of the language. However, I have learned to love using them for a specific type of use.

The reason being that objects are typed by what they do and not what they are named. This is perhaps one of the few, if not the only part of the OCaml typing system that is like that. Even records are nominatives (see below for a discussion about that).

In type theory, I believe that this is the difference between duck typing and nominative typing.

Quick example

Take an example: let’s say that your program has two implementations of timestamps.

  • One that is using the Unix API: timestamps are floating point numbers and you use Unix functions to sleep, regular arithmetic to manipulate them etc.
  • One that is using posix’s timespec.

You can then define a generic type for time intervals:

type t =
  < implementation : string
  ; now : t
  ; sleep_until : unit
  ; of_float : float -> t
  ; to_float : float
  ; add : t -> t
  ; subtract : t -> t
  ; multiply : t -> t
  ; lt : t -> bool
  ; lte : t -> bool >

And have the application pick whatever implementation is available:

val implementations : (string, t) Hashtbl.t

Then, each API can implement its own object:

let unix x : t =
  object (self)
    val x = x
    method implementation = "builtin (low-precision)"
    method now = {<x = Unix.gettimeofday ()>}

    method sleep_until =
      let delay = x -. self#now#to_float in
      if 0. < delay then (
        try Thread.delay delay
        with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> self#sleep_until)

    method of_float x = {<x>}
    method to_float = x
    method add x' = {<x = x +. x'#to_float>}
    method subtract x' = {<x = x -. x'#to_float>}
    method multiply x' = {<x = x *. x'#to_float>}
    method lt x' = x < x'#to_float
    method lte x' = x <= x'#to_float

The posix version is sligthly larger and left out for conciseness. However, it simply implements the same object type.

This is very versatile and much more convenient to use dynamically at runtime compared to navigating the complexities of first-class modules, functors and etc.

What about records?

It is also worth noting that records can technically achieve the same type of API. However, records are still nominative so, you need to declare a common interface that all users of the record type have to refer to.

Being able to simply declare “I want an object that I can call with this and that” is also much more flexible and reduces inter-dependencis between your source files.

This is particularly useful to break recursive dependencies. Say that you want to define a type of values that are called source, that each source needs to be attached to a clock and that each clock can return a list of sources attached to them.

Add to this that the implementation for source and clock is pretty big and you want to have them in separate files…

Under these assumptions, it becomes pretty complicated to setup your source code tree to support this. However, with an object type you can simply do:

type source = < id: string; ... >
type clock = {
  sources: source Queue.t;

let create () = ...
let attach clock source =
  Queue.push clock.sources source

class source id =
  let clock = Clock.create () in
      Clock.attach clock (self :> Clock.source)

    method id = id
    method clock = clock

You’ve immediately broken up your cyclic dependencies: clocks simply need to declare what they want sources to implement and do not care about how they are named…


It would be great to see code examples for the record alternative in the first example, in order to more explicitly compare the two approaches.

I have been using records to pass parameters of some long-running simulation loop:

let params = object 
  method speed = 4.  
  method time_step = 0.01
  method total_time = 3. (* etc... *) 
let rec loop params x t = 
  if t >= params#total_time then x else
    let xdx = x *. params#speed *. params#time_step in
    loop params (x +. xdx) (t +. params#time_step)

The perceived benefit is that I don’t have to define a record type for the parameters (in this case listing them all as float), which just feels like cumbersome boilerplate. At the same time I fear a slowdown due to slower method access.
An alternative would be do define a one-off module Params. However, if I want to pass that to functions as a first-class module instead of keeping it as a global ‘variable’, then I need to make the signature explicit, which is even more boilerplate.

Good point on the benchmark.

Here’s a quick implementation for both case:

let object_timestamp x =
    val x = x
    method to_float = x
    method multiply x' = {<x = x *. x'#to_float>}

type 'a timestamp = {
  value: 'a;
  multiply: 'a timestamp -> 'a timestamp -> 'a timestamp

let record_timestamp value =
  let multiply timestamp v = { timestamp with value = timestamp.value *. v.value } in
  { value; multiply }

Indeed, the benchmarks are pretty radically different:

Looking more into it, records also have issues with keeping a private reference. In order to have an implementation that is not using objects and can abstract away the actual implementation without having issues with types escaping their scope, all I could find was using an extensible type:

type t = ..

module type T = sig
  val implementation : string
  val time : unit -> t
  val sleep_until : t -> unit
  val of_float : float -> t
  val to_float : t -> float
  val ( |+| ) : t -> t -> t
  val ( |-| ) : t -> t -> t
  val ( |*| ) : t -> t -> t
  val ( |<| ) : t -> t -> bool
  val ( |<=| ) : t -> t -> bool

type implementation = (module T)

val unix : implementation
val implementations : (string, implementation) Hashtbl.t


type t = ..

module type T = sig
  val implementation : string
  val time : unit -> t
  val sleep_until : t -> unit
  val of_float : float -> t
  val to_float : t -> float
  val ( |+| ) : t -> t -> t
  val ( |-| ) : t -> t -> t
  val ( |*| ) : t -> t -> t
  val ( |<| ) : t -> t -> bool
  val ( |<=| ) : t -> t -> bool

module Unix = struct
  type t += Unix of float

  let unix_time = function Unix f -> f | _ -> assert false
  let implementation = "builtin (low-precision)"
  let time () = Unix (Unix.gettimeofday ())
  let of_float x = Unix x
  let to_float x = unix_time x
  let ( |+| ) x y = Unix (unix_time x +. unix_time y)
  let ( |-| ) x y = Unix (unix_time x -. unix_time y)
  let ( |*| ) x y = Unix (unix_time x *. unix_time y)
  let ( |<| ) x y = unix_time x < unix_time y
  let ( |<=| ) x y = unix_time x <= unix_time y

  let rec sleep_until t =
    let delay = unix_time t -. Unix.gettimeofday () in
    if 0. < delay then (
      try Thread.delay delay
      with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> sleep_until t)

type implementation = (module T)

let unix : implementation = (module Unix)
let implementations : (string, implementation) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 2
let () = Hashtbl.add implementations "ocaml" unix


open Posix_time2
open Posix_time2.Timespec

module Sys_time = struct
  type Liq_time.t += Posix of Timespec.t

  let posix_time = function Posix t -> t | _ -> assert false
  let implementation = "native (high-precision)"
  let time () = Posix (clock_gettime `Monotonic)

  let of_float d =
    let tv_sec = Int64.of_float d in
    let tv_nsec = Int64.of_float ((d -. floor d) *. 1_000_000_000.) in
    Posix (Timespec.create tv_sec tv_nsec)

  let to_float t =
    let { tv_sec; tv_nsec } = posix_time t in
    Int64.to_float tv_sec +. (Int64.to_float tv_nsec /. 1_000_000_000.)

  let normalize ~tv_sec ~tv_nsec =
    let tv_sec = Int64.add tv_sec (Int64.div tv_nsec 1_000_000_000L) in
    let tv_nsec = Int64.rem tv_nsec 1_000_000_000L in
    Posix (Timespec.create tv_sec tv_nsec)

  let apply fn x y =
    let x = posix_time x in
    let y = posix_time y in
    normalize ~tv_sec:(fn x.tv_sec y.tv_sec) ~tv_nsec:(fn x.tv_nsec y.tv_nsec)

  let ( |+| ) = apply Int64.add
  let ( |-| ) = apply Int64.sub

  let ( |*| ) x y =
    let x = posix_time x in
    let y = posix_time y in
      ~tv_sec:(Int64.mul x.tv_sec y.tv_sec)
              (Int64.mul x.tv_sec y.tv_nsec)
              (Int64.mul x.tv_nsec y.tv_sec))
           (Int64.div (Int64.mul x.tv_nsec y.tv_nsec) 1_000_000_000L))

  let ( |<| ) x y =
    let x = posix_time x in
    let y = posix_time y in
    if Int64.equal x.tv_sec y.tv_sec then x.tv_nsec < y.tv_nsec
    else x.tv_sec < y.tv_sec

  let ( |<=| ) x y =
    let x = posix_time x in
    let y = posix_time y in
    if Int64.equal x.tv_sec y.tv_sec then x.tv_nsec <= y.tv_nsec
    else x.tv_sec <= y.tv_sec

  let rec sleep_until t =
    if t |<=| time () then ()
    else (
          ~clock:(if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then `Monotonic else `Realtime)
          ~absolute:true (posix_time t)
        | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> sleep_until t
        | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINVAL, _, _) -> ())

let posix_time : (module Liq_time.T) = (module Sys_time)
let () = Hashtbl.add Liq_time.implementations "posix" posix_time

This can then be used the same way that objects were being used:

        let time_implementation = time_implementation () in
        let module Time = (val time_implementation : Liq_time.T) in
        let max_latency = Time.of_float conf_max_latency#get in
        let log_delay = Time.of_float conf_log_delay#get in

The open recursion scheme used by ppx_traverse I would say is also a great case for using objects in OCaml.

With very few judicious inherit statements and method overrides, you can express powerful AST transformers. This approach can lead to concise and readable code, making complex transformations easier to implement and understand.

For the sake of archeologic interest, I’d like to acknowledge some ancient technology by the Mighty Louis, the Sage Valentin, and their contributors. They worked on an ancestor of this kind of thing, written in plain ML:

The comments in this code are quite entertaining. For example

     The type of your trees, e.g. AST (expr). With up to 3 type variables for parametric trees.
     If you need more than 3 parameters, you can either go to hell, or patch this module (choose
     the less painful)
  type 'p t constraint 'p = _ * _ * _

And this one

   Traverse AB is a support for an ast defined with 2 mutual recursive types
   type 'a tA = phi('a tA, 'a tB)
   and 'b tB = xhi('a tA, 'a tB)
   The rest is less documented, since it is more or less like the previous TRAVERSE,
   and mostly because it is used only by maniac geeks.

However, I’m willing to bet that you can’t beat the object version (ppx_traverse) here.

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