I was playing with monads, and I was curious - why can’t we open
functor module expressions? Why do we have to give them a name, or include them? Is there anything preventing us from doing this?
Code I was playing with:
module type Type = sig type t end
module type Monad =
type 'a t
val pure : 'a -> 'a t
val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
module Monad_result(T: Type) : Monad =
type 'o t = ('o, T.t) result
let pure x = Ok x
let (>>=) res f =
match res with
| Ok o -> f o
| Err e -> Err e
(* what I have to write *)
module M = Monad_result(struct type t = int end)
open M
(* what I'd like to write *)
open Monad_result(struct type t = int end)