Letβs have an example of non-regular mutually recursive data types, for example
type 'a s = SS of 'a
and t = int s
and u = float s
And we want to create transformation functions for these three types. The transformation functions of two sorts: showing stuff
val show_s : ('a -> string) -> 'a s -> string
val show_t : t -> string
val show_u : u -> string
and mapping stuff (I actually want fmap
s but I shrinked typed here for simplicity)
val map_s : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a s -> 'a s
val map_t : t -> t
val map_u : u -> u
And I want to write separate function for each type and tie these three functions to the knot using another function (I call it fix
). I want this fix
function to be the same for showing and fmaping. A already have the fix
functions per transformation kind which have the same body but have different types.
Let me show that naive approach fails. These are the initial transformation for showing
let show0_s fa _s _t _u (SS a) = fa a
let show0_t s _t _u = s (sprintf "%d") s _t _u
let show0_u s _t _u = s (sprintf "%f") s _t _u
Letβs try to tie the knot
let fix1 (s0,t0,u0) =
let rec s = fun fa -> s0 fa s0 t u
and t = fun what -> t0 s0 t u what
and u what = u0 s0 t u what
let (show_s,show_t,show_u) = fix1 (show0_s, show0_t, show0_u)
Blah, blah, Type float is not compatible with type int
Letβs workaround this issue by introducing existential quantification. It works for show
ish functions. We start from initial implementations which abuse existential quantification
type init2s =
{ s_init2: 'a . ('a -> string) ->
init2s -> init2t -> init2u ->
'a s -> string }
and init2t =
{ t_init2: init2s -> init2t -> init2u -> t -> string }
and init2u =
{ u_init2: init2s -> init2t -> init2u -> u -> string }
let show2_s = { s_init2 = (fun fa _s _t _u (SS a) -> fa a) }
let show2_t = { t_init2 = (fun s t u -> s.s_init2 (sprintf "%d") s t u) }
let show2_u = { u_init2 = (fun s t u -> s.s_init2 (sprintf "%f") s t u) }
type 's wrap1s = { s_trf1: 'a . ('a -> 's) -> 'a s -> 's }
type 's wrap1t = { t_trf1: t -> 's }
type 's wrap1u = { u_trf1: u -> 's }
let fix2 (s0,t0,u0) =
let rec s = { s_trf1 = fun fa subj -> s0.s_init2 fa s0 t0 u0 subj }
and t = { t_trf1 = fun subj -> t0.t_init2 s0 t0 u0 subj }
and u = { u_trf1 = fun subj -> u0.u_init2 s0 t0 u0 subj }
let () =
let s,t,u = fix2 (show2_s,show2_t,show2_u) in
let () = printf "%s\n%!" @@ s.s_trf1 (sprintf "%S") (SS "asdf") in
let () = printf "%s\n%!" @@ s.s_trf1 (sprintf "%b") (SS true) in
let () = printf "%s\n%!" @@ t.t_trf1 (SS 42) in
let () = printf "%s\n%!" @@ u.u_trf1 (SS 3.1415) in
The problem is that approach doesnβt scale for fmap
-like function. In the example above the result type is string
with existenatial variable 'a
but for fmap
we need the result type to be parametrized by this existential 'a
. And hence, if fix
function is polymorphic by the type of functionsβ results, the 'result
type should be parametrizable by existential variable. I tried to use library Higher but the locally introduced type escapes the scope. The wrong piece of codeis below, but I doubt it will be helpful
open Higher
type ('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3s =
{ s_init3: 'a . ('a -> ('a,'syna) app) ->
('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3s ->
('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3t ->
('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3u ->
'a s -> ('a,'syns) app }
and ('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3t =
{ t_init3: 'syn .
('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3s ->
('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3t ->
('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3u ->
t -> 'syn }
and ('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3u =
{ u_init3: 'syn .
('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3s ->
('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3t ->
('syns,'syna,'synt,'synu) init3u ->
u -> 'synu }
let show3_s = { s_init3 = (fun fa _s _t _u (SS a) -> fa a) }
let show3_t = { t_init3 = (fun s t u ->
let module HS = Higher.Newtype1(struct type 'a t = 'a s end) in
let module HA = Higher.Newtype1(struct type 'a t = string end) in
HS.inj @@ s.s_init3 (fun n -> HA.inj @@ sprintf "%d" n ) s t u)
(* HA.t escapes its scope ^^^^^ *)
let show3_u = { u_init3 = (fun s t u -> s.s_init3 (sprintf "%f") s t u) }
I canβt make the code with Higher work. I thought about passing the first class module out together with the result of transformation but it seems extremely scary. I basically out of ideas. Do you know any other dirty hacks to work around higher kinded types which have appeared because of existentials? Maybe I can throw away existentials to hack non-regularity in some other manner?