How do you deal with a multiplicity of things with nontrivial equality (and sets, maps over them?)

[I recognize that modular implicits would help with this, but I’m asking b/c I would like solutions now, and modular implicits are years away.]

I’m hacking away on a quantum circuit compiler, and in such a thing, there are a ton of things that you need to manage:

  • physical quantum bits (== registers)
  • physical classical bits
  • logical quantum bits
  • gate-names
  • quantum variables
  • classical variables
  • pairs of logical quantum bits

and probably other things I’ve forgotten. For many/most of these, if one wants to give decent error-messages, one wants to have a location as part of the data-structure. Which means you have a non-structural equality on the type. And then, you want sets of them, and maps with them as a key, and sometimes bijections where both domain and range are one of these types (e.g. a “layout” is a bijection between physical and logical quantum bits).

And so, I end up extending Map and Set with a few more operations (like pp_hum for human-readable pretty-printing, in addition to that provided by and then applying those functors to a large number of types. And it all works great.

Now I come to write code, and it all look like this:

  let qvl = QVSet.(toList (union qvfvs (ofList qvl))) in
  let cvl = CVSet.(toList (union cvfvs (ofList cvl))) in
  let qwires = qubits |> (AB.QUBMap.swap_find qubit2wire) |> snd in
  let cwires = clbits |> (AB.CLBMap.swap_find clbit2wire) |> snd in

and on and on. All over the place, there are these module-names. I can’t open them, b/c … which one would I open? And if I open one, I still have to use identically-named members of other modules, so it doesn’t help much.

Anyway, maybe there’s no solution other than to keep going this way. But I figured I’d ask if others had some scheme for dealing with this.

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Are you using Jane street libs (base/core)?
If you are, I think there should be polymorphic versions of these functions?

Edit: Here is to_alist, for example: Base.Hashtbl · base v0.15.0 · OCaml Packages

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Ah, perhaps you’re suggesting that I can use first-class modules to make the collection-classes (Maps, Sets) easier to work with. That’ll help, but I still have N different types of variables, bits, etc, all of which enjoy many of the same operations, so I still will have N different module-names to juggle. Your suggestion will decrease the # of module-names to a half or third, so that’s an improvement.

I’ll see how it works out – thank you for the suggestion!

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