Hi all,
I am trying to build a basic program using the Ocaml language. However, I don’t know how to proceed with building and debugging it. Could you please suggest a valid document link or GitHub repository code for my reference? I have attached a screenshot of my project to this post.
It is running, but I would like to know how to debug. Please let me know if debugging is possible using the VS Code extension. (I have installed the VS Code extension and have attached it to this message.) If it is possible, please provide step-by-step instructions.
In the command line, I am using ‘break’ commands, and they are working (command line: ‘break @filename line-number’). However, these commands are not fully effective. I need to run step by step using any extension in VS Code. Please let me know if there are any options available. Kindly provide a valid reference with a read-me file.