Are these websites generated by odoc?

Assuming these are odoc generated api docs, they don’t look or read nicely on mobile.

I really love the look of elixir and gleam generated docs. Are there alternatives or perhaps a way to inject a new template style into odoc? Fortunately we have’s pretty looking renders.

I’m inching towards releasing my first ever ocaml library. so im very excited to make it look pretty.
P.S. It’s just another ethereum sdk.

Which websites are you referring to?

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Doh. Thanks for catching that. I had meant to include the screenshot.

You can use odig’s stylesheets (and odig to generate your docs, hopefully the instruction here still work). They should be mobile friendly (if not, report).

If you want to see what this gives most of the docs here use it, see for example brr for an extensive use with manuals.


yes, it must be odoc, if I remember correctly there was a bug filed against the CSS which was bad for mobiles, but I think it is fixed now, so if you use the latest version it should be ok