[ANN] opam 2.1.1, opam 2.0.10 & opam-depext 1.2

We are pleased to announce several minor releases: opam 2.0.10, opam 2.1.1, and opam-depext 1.2.

The opam releases consist of backported fixes, while opam-depext has been adapted to be compatible with opam 2.1, to allow for workflows which need to maintain compatibility with opam 2.0. With opam 2.1.1, if you export OPAMCLI=2.0 into your environment then workflows expecting opam 2.0 should now behave even more equivalently.

You’ll find more information in the blog post .

<><> The opam team <><> :camel:


MacPorts has now been updated to opam 2.1.1.