Hi, some new developments. I have implemented a new Sdl_area
widget where one can conveniently issue any SDL function (from the SDL Renderer API).
Here is (below) the new ‘labelled graph’ example. In this example I am using regular “label” widgets for creating the nodes, and I am using an Sdl_area for drawing the lines.
The nice things for labels to be regular widgets is that one can click on them. To demonstrate this, in this example they react to a click by jumping to another random location (with animation).
open Bogue
module W = Widget
module L = Layout
let n = 15 (* number of discs *)
let radius = 20
let width = 800
let height = 600
let c = Draw.find_color "#e5b92c"
let cb = Draw.find_color "#7b6b35"
let disc_style = Style.(
create ~border:(
mk_border ~radius (mk_line ~color:Draw.(opaque c) ~width:1 ~style:Solid ()))
~background:(color_bg Draw.(opaque cb)) ())
let background = L.style_bg Style.(
of_bg (gradient ~angle:45. Draw.[opaque grey; opaque black]))
let fg = Draw.(opaque white)
let create_disc i (x,y) =
let w = 2*radius + 1 in
let bg = Box.create ~style:disc_style ~width:w ~height:w () in
W.label ~fg (string_of_int i)
|> L.resident ~background:(L.box_bg bg) ~x:(x-radius) ~y:(y-radius) ~w ~h:w
let move_disc (x,y) d =
let (x0, y0) = L.xpos d, L.ypos d in
L.animate_x d (Avar.fromto x0 x);
L.animate_y d (Avar.fromto y0 y)
let random_center _ =
radius + Random.int (width - 2*radius),
radius + Random.int (height - 2*radius)
let area =
let sdlw = W.sdl_area ~w:width ~h:height () in
let sdla = W.get_sdl_area sdlw in
let centers = Array.init n random_center in
let color = Draw.(opaque grey) in
let draw_lines renderer = let open Draw in
for i = 0 to n - 2 do
let x0, y0 = to_pixels centers.(i) in
let x1, y1 = to_pixels centers.(i+1) in
line renderer ~color ~thick:6 ~x0 ~y0 ~x1 ~y1
done in
Sdl_area.add sdla draw_lines;
let discs = Array.mapi create_disc centers |> Array.to_list in
(* move the disc when click on it *)
List.iteri (fun i d ->
W.on_click ~click:(fun _ ->
centers.(i) <- random_center 0;
Sdl_area.update sdla;
let x,y = centers.(i) in
move_disc (x - radius, y - radius) d) (L.widget d))
L.superpose ~w:width ~h:height ~background (L.resident sdlw :: discs)
let board = Bogue.make [] [area]
let () = Bogue.run board