What is the ocamlscript clone from Daniel Buenzli?

I don’t manage to find it back.
Apparently, it is not in opam and I don’t even recall its name…


How can I remember such a name…

In general these things can be found through my software page. In any case I wouldn’t advise using b0caml for now.

It’s again one of these things like brzo that I did under the assumption that the library linking proposal would become a reality and since it didn’t the design need to be changed to match reality before being distributed and I have no time for this now.

It even uses a previous incarnation which avoided to talk about the notion of libraries to simply talk about directories with compiled modules resolved according to an OCAMLPATH (and thus using / instead of . as a separator). But that was too much ockham for the people I had to compromise with during the consensus gathering for the proposal.