I had:
#use "lex1.ml";;
type result = Int of int | Float of float |
String of string
(* regexps *)
let digit = ['0'-'9'] (* a single digit btw 0 to 9 *)
let digits = digit+ (* at least 1 digit i.e. regex digit digit* *)
let lower_case = ['a'-'z']
let upper_case = ['A'-'Z']
let letter = upper_case | lower_case
let letters = letter+
Rules, what to do when we read the longest char seq from the lexbuffers
note: lexbuf is the implied argument
rule main = parse
| (digits) '.' digits as f { Float(float_of_string f)::main lexbuf }
| digits as n { Int (int_of_string n)::main lexbuf }
| letters as s { String s::main lexbuf}
| eof {[]}
| _ {main lexbuf }
let newlexbuf = (Lexing.from_channel stdin) in
print_newline ();
main newlexbuf
but when I went to ocaml top it never stops. I tried a few things but it doesn’t stop:
│val main : Lexing.lexbuf -> result list = <fun>
│val __ocaml_lex_main_rec : Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> result list = <fun>
│hit there \n
how do I have it know Im done?