Vote: would you like to try a new language designed as better OCaml?

Realized that I cannot edit the original post, so I create a new topic. I apologize if this troubles you.

As a first step of my work on the Hi language, I want to collect feedback from the community, to see how many OCaml developers are interested in this language.

Below is a program that showcases a wide range of the Hi language’s features and capabilities. Though a fresh new language syntax, I guess most programmer are able to understand it. Note an extension is conceptually like an implicit module.

type Ordering = Less | Equal | Greater
type Ord a = (
	compare : a -> a -> Ordering

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
exception Empty

extension ListOps for List a {
	fun head = match this with
		| Cons x xs -> x
		| Nil -> throw Empty
	fun concat ys = match this with
		| Nil -> ys
		| Cons x xs -> Cons x (xs/.concat ys)

// Integers are orderable
extension OrdInt <: Ord Int {
	fun compare x y = if x < y then Less
		else if x == y then Equal
		else Greater

extension SortList ?(ord: Ord a) for List a {
	type This = List a

	fun scan (compare: a -> Ordering) (xs: This) (less: This) (equal: This) (greater: This) = match xs with
	| Nil -> (less, equal, greater)
	| Cons y ys -> match compare y with
		| Less -> scan compare (Cons y less) equal greater
		| Equal -> scan compare less (Cons y equal) greater
		| Greater -> scan compare less equal (Cons y greater)

	fun sort = match this with
	| Nil -> Nil
	| Cons pivot ys -> {
		val (less, equal, greater) = scan {x -> x pivot} ys Nil (Cons pivot Nil) Nil
		sort less /. concat equal /. concat (sort greater)

// Create a list of [2, 1, 4, 3].
val numbers = Cons 2 (Cons 1 (Cons 4 (Cons 3 Nil)))
val sorted = numbers /. sort
// Evaluate to Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Nil))), representing [1, 2, 3, 4].

// Specify comparison function explicitly.
fun reverse order = match order with
	| Less -> Greater
	| Equal -> Equal
	| Greater -> Less

val descOrd: Ord Int = (
	compare = {a b ->
		reverse ( a b)
val descSort = (SortList ?descOrd).sort
val descNumbers = descSort numbers
// Evaluate to Cons 4 (Cons 3 (Cons 2 (Cons 1 Nil))), representing [4, 3, 2, 1].

Could you kindly vote below, so that I know the community’s interest and prioritize my work?

Question: if Hi language is available today, would you like to try it?

  • Yes, I would like to try this new language.
  • No, I don’t bother to try a new language.
0 voters

I really appreciate your vote and feedback, thanks!