I’ve been trying to implement a plugin feature for updating mutable vals
in a class.
I get a compile error in class xxx
on method do_update
, telling me Self type cannot escape its class
I would have thought that constraining the yyy virtual method argument with a 'xxx
type might have kept the compiler happy.
Could anyone suggest a possible workaround?
class xxx (plugin', a) = object (self:'xxx)
val mutable a: float = a
method a = a
method set_a a' = a <- a'
val mutable plugin:yyy = plugin'
method set_plugin plugin' = plugin <- plugin'
method do_update = plugin#do_update self
and virtual yyy = object
method virtual do_update: (xxx:'xxx -> unit)
class test_yyy_1 = object
inherit yyy
method do_update updatee =
updatee#set_a (updatee#a +. 1.)
class test_yyy_2 = object
inherit yyy
method do_update updatee =
updatee#set_a (updatee#a +. 2.)
let () =
let my_test_yyy_1 = new test_yyy_1 in
let my_xxx = new xxx (my_test_yyy_1,1.) in
Printf.printf "%f\n" my_xxx#a;
let my_test_yyy_2 = new test_yyy_2 in
my_xxx#set_plugin my_test_yyy_2;
Printf.printf "%f\n" my_xxx#a