Understanding polymorphic variants

[Starting a new thread on grounds that New Draft Tutorial on Polymorphic Variants is for feedback on the tutorial]

Exploring polymorphic variants I tried this:

 # let f = function
| `Cat -> "pet"
| `Dog -> "pet"
| 99 -> "other" ;;
Error: This pattern matches values of type int
       but a pattern was expected which matches values of type [? `Cat | `Dog ]

I have not come across [? ...] in the documentation. What does it mean? (I expected 99 to cause an error, but the message surprised me.)



Isn’t it that the thing that shall not be named couldn’t decide if the pattern matching creates a closed or an open polymorphic variant and, therefore, prints a question mark?

The ? symbol means that it is unknown if the polymorphic variant type should be open like in

let f = function
| `Cat -> ()
| `Dog -> ()
| _ -> ()

where f has type [> `Cat | `Dog ] -> unit or closed like in

let f = function
| `Cat -> ()
| `Dog -> ()

where the type of f is [< `Cat | `Dog ] -> unit.
Since the typing of the pattern matching was interrupted by the 99 type error, it is not possible to decide between the two cases, leading thus to the type [? `Cat | `Dog ] appearing in the error message.
In a fully unicode compatible word, I may propose to replace ? with [≶? `Cat | `Dog ]